Fuzzy Forests

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Documentation for package ‘fuzzyforest’ version 1.0.8

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fuzzyforest-package fuzzyforest: an implementation of the fuzzy forest algorithm in R.
ctg Cardiotocography Data Set
example_ff Fuzzy Forest Example
ff Fuzzy forests algorithm
ff.default Fuzzy forests algorithm
ff.formula Fuzzy forests algorithm
fuzzyforest fuzzyforest: an implementation of the fuzzy forest algorithm in R.
fuzzy_forest Fuzzy Forest Object
iterative_RF Fits iterative random forest algorithm.
Liver_Expr Liver Expression Data from Female Mice
modplot Plots relative importance of modules.
multi_class_lr Multinomial Logistic Regression
predict.fuzzy_forest Predict method for fuzzy_forest object. Obtains predictions from fuzzy forest algorithm.
print.fuzzy_forest Print fuzzy_forest object. Prints output from fuzzy forests algorithm.
screen_control Set Parameters for Screening Step of Fuzzy Forests
select_control Set Parameters for Selection Step of Fuzzy Forests
select_RF Carries out the selection step of fuzzyforest algorithm.
wff WGCNA based fuzzy forest algorithm
wff.default WGCNA based fuzzy forest algorithm
wff.formula WGCNA based fuzzy forest algorithm
WGCNA_control Set Parameters for WGCNA Step of Fuzzy Forests