fuzzySim-package |
Fuzzy Similarity in Species Distributions |
appendData |
Append data |
bioThreat |
Biotic threat of a stronger over a weaker species based on their favourability values |
cleanCoords |
Clean coordinates |
corSelect |
Select among correlated variables based on a given criterion |
distPres |
(Inverse) distance to the nearest presence |
entropy |
(Fuzzy) entropy |
Fav |
Favourability (probability without the effect of sample prevalence) |
favClass |
Classify favourability into 3 categories (low, intermediate, high) |
False Discovery Rate |
fuzSim |
Fuzzy similarity |
fuzzyConsensus |
Fuzzy consensus among model predictions |
fuzzyOverlay |
Row-wise overlay operations based on fuzzy logic |
fuzzyRangeChange |
Range change based on continuous (fuzzy) values |
fuzzySim |
Fuzzy Similarity in Species Distributions |
getPreds |
Get model predictions |
gridRecords |
Grid (or thin) point occurrence records to the resolution of a raster map |
integerCols |
Classify integer columns |
modelTrim |
Trim off non-significant variables from a model |
modOverlap |
Overall overlap between model predictions |
multConvert |
Multiple conversion |
multGLM |
GLMs with variable selection for multiple species |
multicol |
Analyse multicollinearity in a dataset, including VIF |
multTSA |
Trend Surface Analysis for multiple species |
pairwiseRangemaps |
Pairwise intersection (and union) of range maps |
percentTestData |
Percent test data |
prevalence |
Prevalence |
rangemapSim |
Pairwise similarity between rangemaps |
rarity |
(Fuzzy) rarity |
rotif.env |
Rotifers and environmental variables on TDWG level 4 regions of the world |
rotifers |
Rotifer species on TDWG level 4 regions of the world |
selectAbsences |
Select (spatially biased) absence rows. |
sharedFav |
Shared favourability for two competing species |
simFromSetOps |
Calculate similarity from set operations |
simMat |
Pair-wise (fuzzy) similarity matrix |
spCodes |
Obtain unique abbreviations of species names |
splist2presabs |
Convert a species list to a presence-absence table |
stepByStep |
Analyse and compare stepwise model predictions |
stepwise |
Stepwise regression |
summaryWald |
Model summary with Wald (instead of z) test statistics |
timer |
Timer |
transpose |
Transpose (part of) a matrix or dataframe |
triMatInd |
Triangular matrix indices |
vulnerability |
(Fuzzy) vulnerability |