Interim Analysis of Operational Futility in Randomized Trials with Time-to-Event Endpoints and Fixed Follow-Up

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Documentation for package ‘futility’ version 0.4

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completeTrial.byArm Treatment Arm-Specific Simulation-Based Completion of a Randomized Efficacy Trial with a Time-to-Event Endpoint and Fixed Follow-up Using an Interim Data-set
completeTrial.pooledArms Treatment Arm-Pooled Simulation-Based Completion of a Randomized Efficacy Trial with a Time-to-Event Endpoint and Fixed Follow-up Using an Interim Data-set
plotRCDF.byArm Plot Characteristics of the Estimated Distribution of the Treatment Arm-Specific Number of Endpoints
plotRCDF.pooledArms Plot Characteristics of the Estimated Distribution of the Treatment Arm-Pooled Number of Endpoints