fusedLassoProximal {fuser} | R Documentation |
Fused lasso optimisation with proximal-gradient method. (Chen et al. 2010)
Fused lasso optimisation with proximal-gradient method. (Chen et al. 2010)
fusedLassoProximal(X, Y, groups, lambda, gamma, G, mu = 1e-04, tol = 1e-06,
num.it = 1000, lam.max = NULL, c.flag = FALSE, intercept = TRUE,
penalty.factors = NULL, conserve.memory = p >= 10000, scaling = TRUE)
X |
matrix of covariates (n by p) |
Y |
vector of responses (length n) |
groups |
vector of group indicators (length n) |
lambda |
Sparsity hyperparameter (accepts scalar value only) |
gamma |
Fusion hyperparameter (accepts scalar value only) |
G |
Matrix of pairwise group information sharing weights (K by K) |
mu |
Smoothness parameter for proximal optimization |
tol |
Tolerance for optimization |
num.it |
Number of iterations |
lam.max |
Maximal eigenvalue of |
c.flag |
Whether to use Rcpp for certain calculations (see Details). |
intercept |
Whether to include a (group-specific) intercept term. |
penalty.factors |
Weights for sparsity penalty. |
conserve.memory |
Whether to calculate XX and XY on the fly, conserving memory at the cost of speed. (True by default iff p >= 10000) |
scaling |
if TRUE, scale the sum-squared loss for each group by 1/n_k where n_k is the number of samples in group k. |
The proximal algorithm uses t(X) %*% X
and t(X) %*% Y
. The function will attempt to
pre-calculate these values to speed up computation. This may not always be possible due to
memory restrictions; at present this is only done for p < 10,000. When p > 10,000,
crossproducts are calculated explicitly; calculation can be speeded up by using
Rcpp code (setting c.flag=TRUE).
A matrix with the linear coefficients for each group (p by k).
# Generate simple heterogeneous dataset
k = 4 # number of groups
p = 100 # number of covariates
n.group = 15 # number of samples per group
sigma = 0.05 # observation noise sd
groups = rep(1:k, each=n.group) # group indicators
# sparse linear coefficients
beta = matrix(0, p, k)
nonzero.ind = rbinom(p*k, 1, 0.025/k) # Independent coefficients
nonzero.shared = rbinom(p, 1, 0.025) # shared coefficients
beta[which(nonzero.ind==1)] = rnorm(sum(nonzero.ind), 1, 0.25)
beta[which(nonzero.shared==1),] = rnorm(sum(nonzero.shared), -1, 0.25)
X = lapply(1:k,
function(k.i) matrix(rnorm(n.group*p),
n.group, p)) # covariates
y = sapply(1:k,
function(k.i) X[[k.i]] %*% beta[,k.i] +
rnorm(n.group, 0, sigma)) # response
X = do.call('rbind', X)
# Pairwise Fusion strength hyperparameters (tau(k,k'))
# Same for all pairs in this example
G = matrix(1, k, k)
# Use L1 fusion to estimate betas (with near-optimal sparsity and
# information sharing among groups)
beta.estimate = fusedLassoProximal(X, y, groups, lambda=0.01, tol=3e-3,
gamma=0.01, G, intercept=FALSE,