autoplot.irregFunData {funData}R Documentation

Visualize irregular functional data objects using ggplot


This function allows to plot irregFunData objects on their domain based on the ggplot2 package. The function provides a wrapper that returns a basic ggplot object, which can be customized using all functionalities of the ggplot2 package.


autoplot.irregFunData(object, obs = seq_len(nObs(object)), geom = "line", ...)

autolayer.irregFunData(object, obs = seq_len(nObs(object)), geom = "line", ...)



A irregFunData object.


A vector of numerics giving the observations to plot. Defaults to all observations in object. For two-dimensional functions (images) obs must have length 1.


A character string describing the geometric object to use. Defaults to "line". See ggplot2 for details.


Further parameters passed to stat_identity, e.g. alpha, color, fill, linetype, size).


A ggplot object that can be customized using all functionalities of the ggplot2 package.

See Also

irregFunData, ggplot, plot.irregFunData


# Install / load package ggplot2 before running the examples

# Generate data
argvals <- seq(0,2*pi,0.01)
ind <- replicate(5, sort(sample(1:length(argvals), sample(5:10,1))))
object <- irregFunData(argvals = lapply(ind, function(i){argvals[i]}),
                  X = lapply(ind, function(i){sample(1:10,1) / 10 * argvals[i]^2}))

# Plot the data

 # Parameters passed to geom_line are passed via the ... argument
autoplot(object, color = "red", linetype = 3)

# Plot the data and add green dots for the 2nd function
autoplot(object) + autolayer(object, obs = 2, geom = "point", color = "green")

# New layers can be added directly to the ggplot object using functions from the ggplot2 package
g <- autoplot(object)
g + theme_bw() + ggtitle("Plot with minimal theme and axis labels") +
    xlab("The x-Axis") + ylab("The y-Axis")

[Package funData version 1.3-9 Index]