Genetic Distance Segmentation for Population Genetics

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Documentation for package ‘fst4pg’ version 1.0.0

Help Pages

BuildFreqNbG Convert the Freq and NbGamete tables into a list.
Compute_Denominator Computation of the numerator of the moment estimator
Compute_Nominator Computation of the numerator of the moment estimator
ContrastGraphSummary ContrastGraphSummary
ContrastSummary ContrastSummary
ContrastTopRegions ContrastTopRegions
DF4Plot1Prof DF4Plot1Prof
Freq Frequencies of the American and European HGDP populations
Freq.filt Filtering markers based on allelic frequencies
HeatMap HeatMap
HudsonFst.m HudsonFst.m
HudsonFst.plot Plot Fst values along chromosomes
Info Marker information
MakeProfile.op MakeProfile.op
MakeProfile.sn_nomemory MakeProfile.sn_nomemory
MergeRegion MergeRegion
NbGamete Number of gametes of the American and European HGDP populations
Plot1Prof Plot1Prof
ProfilingSummary ProfilingSummary
Ratio_Average Computation of the Fst moment estimator
RawPlot RawPlot
Summarise1Profile Summarise1Profile