out |
An object returned by one of the monitoring functions (see FSReda_control ,
Sregeda_control and MMregeda_control ). The object is one of
fsreda.object , sregeda.object or mmregeda.object .
The needed elements of out are
RES : matrix containing the residuals monitored in each step of the forward
search or any other robust procedure. Every row is associated with a residual (unit).
This matrix can be created using function FSReda, Sregeda, MMregeda.
Un : (for FSR only) - matrix containing the order of entry in the subset of each unit
(required only when datatooltip is true or databrush is not empty).
bdp : (for Sreg only) - vector containing a sequence of breakdown point values to monitor on.
eff : (for MMreg only) - vector containing a sequence of efficiency values to monitor on.
y : a vector containing the response (required only when option databrush is requested).
X : a matrix containing the explanatory variables (required only when option databrush is requested).
Bols : (n-init+1) x (p+1) matrix containing the estimated beta coefficients monitored in
each step of the robust procedure (required only when option databrush is requested and suboption multivarfit is requested).
ylim |
Control y scale in plot. Vector with two elements controlling
minimum and maximum on the y axis. Default is to use automatic scale.
xlim |
Control x scale in plot. Vector with two elements controlling
minimum and maximum on the x axis. Default is to use automatic scale.
xlab |
a title for the x axis
ylab |
a title for the y axis
main |
an overall title for the plot
lwd |
The line width, a positive number, defaulting to 1
lty |
The line type. Line types can either be specified as an integer (1=solid (default), 2=dashed,
3=dotted, 4=dotdash, 5=longdash, 6=twodash) or as one of the character strings "solid",
"dashed", "dotted", "dotdash", "longdash", or "twodash".
The latter two are not supported by Matlab.
col |
colors to be used for the highlighted units
cex.lab |
The magnification to be used for x and y labels relative to the current setting of cex
cex.axis |
The magnification to be used for axis annotation relative to the current setting of cex
xvalues |
values for the x axis. Numeric vector of ncol(RES) controlling the x axis coordinates.
The default value of xvalues is (nrow(RES) - ncol(RES) + 1):nrow(RES)
fg.thresh |
(alternative to fg.unit) numeric vector of length 1 or 2 which specifies the highlighted trajectories.
If length(fthresh) == 1 the highlighted trajectories are those of units that throughtout
the search had at leat once a residual greater (in absolute value) than thresh.
The default value is fg.thresh=2.5 . If length(fthresh) == 2 the highlighted
trajectories are those of units that throughtout the search had a residual at
leat once bigger than fg.thresh[2] or smaller than fg.thresh[1] .
fg.unit |
(alternative to fg.thresh), vector containing the list of the units to be highlighted.
If fg.unit is supplied, fg.thresh is ignored.
fg.labstep |
numeric vector which specifies the steps of the search where to put labels for
the highlighted trajectories (units). The default is to put the labels at the
initial and final steps of the search. fg.labstep='' means no label.
fg.lwd |
The line width for the highlighted trajectories (units). Default is 1.
fg.lty |
The line type for the highlighted trajectories (units). Line types can
either be specified as an integer (1=solid (default), 2=dashed,
3=dotted, 4=dotdash, 5=longdash, 6=twodash) or as one of the character strings "solid",
"dashed", "dotted", "dotdash", "longdash", or "twodash".
The latter two are not supported by Matlab.
fg.col |
colors to be used for the highlighted units.
fg.mark |
Controlls whether to plot highlighted trajectories as symbols.
if fg.mark==TRUE each line is plotted using a different
symbol else no marker is used (default).
fg.cex |
controls the font size of the labels of the trajectories in foreground.
bg.thresh |
numeric vector of length 1 or 2 which specifies how to define the unimmportant trajectories.
Unimmportant trajectories will be plotted using a colormap, in greysh or will be hidden.
If length(thresh) == 1 the irrelevant units are those which always
had a residual smaller (in absolute value) than thresh.
If length(bthresh) == 2 the irrelevant units are those which always
had a residual greater than bthresh(1) and smaller than bthresh(2). The default is:
bg.thresh=2.5 if n > 100 and bg.thresh=-Inf if n <= 100
i.e. to treat all trajectories as important if n <= 100 and, if n > 100 ,
to reduce emphasis only to trajectories having in all steps of the search a value
of scaled residual smaller than 2.5.
bg.style |
specifies how to plot the unimportant trajectories as defined in option bthresh.
bg.style="faint" : unimportant trajectories are plotted using a colormap.
bg.style="hide" : unimportant trajectories are hidden.
bg.style="greyish" : unimportant trajectories are displayed in a faint grey.
When n>100 the default option is bg.style='faint' . When n <= 100
and bg.thresh == -Inf option bstyle is ignored.
Remark: bground=” is equivalent to -Inf that is all trajectories are considered relevant.
tag |
Plot handle. String which identifies the handle of the plot which is about to be created.
The default is to use tag 'pl_resfwd'. Notice that if the program finds a plot which has
a tag equal to the one specified by the user, then the output of the new plot overwrites
the existing one in the same window else a new window is created.
datatooltip |
Interactive clicking. It is inactive if this parameter is missing or empty.
The default is datatooltip=TRUE , i.e. the user can select with the
mouse an individual residual trajectory in order to have information about
the corresponding unit. The information displayed depends on the estimator in use.
For example for class fsreda.object the information concerns the
label and the step of the search in which the unit enters the subset. If datatooltip
is a list it may contain the following fields:
DisplayStyle determines how the data cursor displays. Possible values are
'datatip' and 'window' (default). 'datatip' displays
data cursor information in a small yellow text box attached to a black
square marker at a data point you interactively select. 'window'
displays data cursor information for the data point you interactively
select in a floating window within the figure.
SnapToDataVertex: specifies whether the data cursor snaps to the nearest data value or
is located at the actual pointer position.
Possible values are SnapToDataVertex='on' (default) and SnapToDataVertex='off' .
LineColor: controls the color of the trajectory selected with the mouse. It can be an RGB triplet
of values between 0 and 1, or character vector indicating a color name. Note that a RGB vector
can be conveniently chosen with our MATLAB class FSColor, see documentation.
SubsetLinesColor: enables to control the color of the trajectories of the units that are
in the subset at a given step of the search (if resfwdplot() is applied to an
object of class fsreda.object ) or have a weight greater than 0.9 (if
resfwdplot() is applied to an object of class sregeda.object
or mmregeda.object ). This can be done (repeatedly) with a left mouse
click in proximity of the step of interest. A right mouse click will terminate the
selection by marking with a up-arrow the step corresponding to the highlighted
lines. The highlighted lines by default are in red, but a different color can be
specified as RGB triplet or character of color name. Note that a RGB vector can
be conveniently chosen with our MATLAB class FSColor, see documentation.
By default SubsetLinesColor="" , i.e. the modality is not active.
Any initialization for SubsetLinesColor which cannot be interpreted as
RGB vector will be converted to blue, i.e. SubsetLinesColor will be forced to be [0 0 1].
If SubsetLinesColor is not empty the previous option LineColor is ignored.
label |
Character vector containing the labels of the units (optional argument used when
datatooltip=TRUE ). If this field is not present labels
row1, ..., rown will be automatically created and included
in the pop up datatooltip window).
nameX |
Add variable labels in plot. A vector of strings of length p
containing the labels of the variables of the regression dataset.
If it is empty (default) the sequence X1, ..., Xp will be created automatically
namey |
Add response label. A string containing the label of the response
msg |
Controls whether to display or not messages on the screen If msg==1 (default)
messages are displayed on the screen about step in which signal took place else
no message is displayed on the screen.
databrush |
interactive mouse brushing. If databrush is missing or empty (default), no brushing is done.
The activation of this option (databrush is a scalar or a list) enables the user to select
a set of trajectories in the current plot and to see them highlighted in the y|X plot,
i.e. a matrix of scatter plots of y against each column of X, grouped according to the
selection(s) done by brushing. If the plot y|X does not exist it is automatically created.
In addition, brushed units are automatically highlighted in the minimum deletion residual
plot if it is already open. The extension to the following plots will be available in future
versions of the toolbox:
monitoring leverage plot;
maximum studentized residual;
s^2 and R^2;
Cook distance and modified Cook distance;
deletion t statistics.
Note that the window style of the other figures is set equal to that which contains the
monitoring residual plot. In other words, if the monitoring residual plot is docked all
the other figures will be docked too
If databrush=TRUE the default selection tool is a rectangular brush and
it is possible to brush only once (that is persist=”).
If databrush=list(...) , it is possible to use all optional arguments of
function selectdataFS() and the following optional argument:
persist . Persist is an empty value or a character containing 'on' or 'off'.
The default value is persist="" , that is brushing is allowed only once.
If persist="on" or persis="off" brushing can be done as many time as
the user requires. If persist='on' then the unit(s) currently brushed are
added to those previously brushed. It is possible, every time a new brushing is
done, to use a different color for the brushed units. If persist='off'
every time a new brush is performed units previously brushed are removed.
bivarfit . Wheather to superimpose bivariate least square lines on the plot (if plot=TRUE .
This option adds one or more least squares lines, based on SIMPLE REGRESSION of y on Xi,
to the plots of y|Xi. The default is bivarfit=FALSE : no line is fitted.
If bivarfit=1 , a single OLS line is fitted to all points of each bivariate
plot in the scatter matrix y|X. If bivarfit=2 , two OLS lines are fitted:
one to all points and another to the group of the genuine observations.
The group of the potential outliers is not fitted. If bivarfit=0
one OLS line is fitted to each group. This is useful for the purpose of
fitting mixtures of regression lines. If bivarfit='i1' or
bivarfit='i2' , etc. an OLS line is fitted to a specific group,
the one with index 'i' equal to 1, 2, 3 etc.
Again, useful in case of mixtures.
multivarfit . Wheather to superimpose multivariate least square lines.
This option adds one or more least square lines, based on MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION
of y on X, to the plots of y|Xi.
The default is multivarfit=FALSE : no line is fitted.
If bivarfit=1 , a single OLS line is fitted to all points of each bivariate
plot in the scatter matrix y|X. The line added to the scatter plot y|Xi is
avconst + Ci*Xi, where Ci is the coefficient of Xi in the multivariate regression
and avconst is the effect of all the other explanatory variables different
from Xi evaluated at their centroid (that is overline(y)'C)).
If multivarfit=2 , same action as with multivarfit=1 but this time
we also add the line based on the group of unselected observations
(i.e. the normal units).
labeladd . Add outlier labels in plot. If labeladd=TRUE , we label the outliers
with the unit row index in matrices X and y.
The default value is labeladd=FALSE , i.e. no label is added.
standard |
(MATLAB-style arguments) appearance of the plot in terms of xlim, ylim, axes labels
and their font size style, color of the lines, etc.
fground |
MATLAB-style arguments for the fground trajectories in foregroud.
bground |
MATLAB-style arguments for the fground trajectories in backgroud.
... |
potential further arguments passed to lower level functions.