emilia2001 {fsdaR} | R Documentation |
Demographic data from the 341 miniciplaities in Emilia Romagna (an Italian region).
A data set containing 28 demographic variables for 341 municipalities in Emilia Romagna (an Italian region).
A data frame with 341 rows and 28 variables The variables are as follows:
less10: population aged less than 10
more75: population aged more than 75
single single-member families
divorced": divorsed
widows: widows and widowers
graduates: population aged more than 25 who are graduates
no_education: of those aged over 6 having no education
employed: activity rate
unemployed: unemployment rate
increase_popul: standardised natural increase in population
migration: standardised change in population due to migration
birth_92_94: average birth rate over 1992-94
fecundity: three-year average birth rate amongst women of child-bearing age
houses: occupied houses built since 1982
houses_2WCs: occupied houses with 2 or more WCs
houses_heating: occupied houses with fixed heating system
TV: TV licence holders
cars: number of cars for 100 inhabitants
luxury_cars: luxury cars
hotels: working in hotels and restaurants
banking: working in banking and finance
income: average declared income amongst those filing income tax returns
income_tax_returns: inhabitants filing income tax returns
factories: residents employed in factories and public services
factories_more10: employees employed in factories withy more tha 10 employees
factories_more50: employees employed in factories withy more tha 50 employees
artisanal: artisanal enterprises
entrepreneurs: enterpreneous and skilled self-employed among those of working age
@references Atkinson, A. C., Riani, M., and Cerioli, A. (2004). Exploring Multivariate Data with the Forward Search. Springer-Verlag, New York.