Read and Write 'FreeSurfer' Neuroimaging File Formats

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Documentation for package ‘freesurferformats’ version 0.1.18

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-- A --

annot.max.region.idx Get max region index of an fs.annot instance.

-- B --

bvsmp Create new bvsmp instance encoding morph data for Brainvoyager.

-- C --

cdata Create CDATA element string from string. Find vertex index closest to given query coordinate using Euclidean distance.
colortable.from.annot Extract color lookup table (LUT) from annotation.

-- D --

delete_all_opt_data Delete all data in the package cache.
doapply.transform.mtx Apply a spatial transformation matrix to the given coordinates.
download_opt_data Download optional data for the freesurferformats package.

-- F -- Convert quadrangular faces or polygons to triangular ones. Convert tris faces to quad faces by simple merging.
flip2D Flip a 2D matrix.
flip3D Flip a 3D array along an axis.
fs.get.morph.file.ext.for.format Determine morphometry file extension from format
fs.get.morph.file.format.from.filename Determine morphometry file format from filename
fs.patch Constructor for fs.patch Get an rgl tmesh3d instance from a brain surface mesh.

-- G --

get_opt_data_filepath Access a single file from the package cache by its file name.
giftixml_add_labeltable_from_annot Add a label tabel from an annotation to a GIFTI XML tree.
gifti_writer Write data to a gifti file.
gifti_xml Get GIFTI XML representation of data.
gifti_xml_add_global_metadata Add metadata to GIFTI XML tree.
gifti_xml_write Write XML tree to a gifti file.

-- I --

is.bvsmp Check whether object is a bvsmp instance.
is.fs.annot Check whether object is an fs.annot
is.fs.label Check whether object is an fs.label
is.fs.surface Check whether object is an fs.surface
is.fs.volume Check whether object is an fs.volume
is.mghheader Check whether object is an mghheader

-- L --

list_opt_data Get file names available in package cache.

-- M --

mghheader.centervoxelRAS.from.firstvoxelRAS Compute RAS coords of center voxel. Compute MGH volume orientation string. Determine whether an MGH volume is conformed. Check whether header contains valid ras information
mghheader.primary.slice.direction Compute MGH primary slice direction
mghheader.ras2vox Compute ras2vox matrix from basic MGH header fields.
mghheader.ras2vox.tkreg Compute ras2vox-tkreg matrix from basic MGH header fields.
mghheader.scanner2tkreg Compute scanner-RAS 2 tkreg-RAS matrix from basic MGH header fields.
mghheader.tkreg2scanner Compute tkreg-RAS to scanner-RAS matrix from basic MGH header fields.
mghheader.update.from.vox2ras Update mghheader fields from vox2ras matrix.
mghheader.vox2ras Compute vox2ras matrix from basic MGH header fields.
mghheader.vox2ras.tkreg Compute vox2ras-tkreg matrix from basic MGH header fields.
mghheader.vox2vox Compute vox2vox matrix between two volumes.
mni152reg Get fsaverage (MNI305) to MNI152 transformation matrix.

-- N -- Create NIFTI v1 header suitable for given data.
ni1header.template Create a template NIFTI v1 header. You will have to adapt it for your use case. Create NIFTI v2 header suitable for given data.
ni2header.template Create a template NIFTI v2 header. You will have to adapt it for your use case.
nifti.datadim.from.dimfield Compute data dimensions from the 'dim' field of the NIFTI (v1 or v2) header. Compute NIFTI dim field for data dimension.
nifti.file.uses.fshack Determine whether a NIFTI file uses the FreeSurfer hack.
nifti.file.version Determine NIFTI file version information and whether file is a NIFTI file.
nifti.header.check Perform basic sanity checks on NIFTI header data. These are in no way meant to be exhaustive.

-- P --

print.fs.annot Print description of a brain atlas or annotation.
print.fs.label Print description of a brain surface label.
print.fs.patch Print description of a brain surface patch.
print.fs.surface Print description of a brain surface.
print.fs.volume Print description of a brain volume.

-- R -- Translate RAS coordinates, as used in volumes by applying vox2ras, to surface RAS. Compute MNI talairach coordinates from RAS coords.
read.dti.tck Read DTI tracking data from file in MRtrix 'TCK' format.
read.dti.trk Read fiber tracks from Diffusion Toolkit in trk format.
read.dti.tsf Read DTI tracking per-coord data from file in MRtrix 'TSF' format.
read.fs.annot Read file in FreeSurfer annotation format
read.fs.annot.gii Read an annotation or label in GIFTI format.
read.fs.colortable Read colortable file in FreeSurfer ASCII LUT format.
read.fs.curv Read file in FreeSurfer curv format
read.fs.gca Read FreeSurfer GCA file.
read.fs.label Read a label file.
read.fs.label.gii Read a label from a GIFTI label/annotation file.
read.fs.label.native Read file in FreeSurfer label format
read.fs.mgh Read file in FreeSurfer MGH or MGZ format
read.fs.morph Read morphometry data file in any FreeSurfer format.
read.fs.morph.asc Read morphometry data from ASCII curv format file
read.fs.morph.bvsmp Read Brainvoyager vertex-wise statistical surface data from SMP file.
read.fs.morph.cifti Read surface morphometry data from CIFTI dscalar files.
read.fs.morph.gii Read morphometry data file in GIFTI format.
read.fs.morph.ni1 Read morphometry data from FreeSurfer NIFTI v1 format files.
read.fs.morph.ni2 Read morphometry data from FreeSurfer NIFTI v2 format files.
read.fs.morph.nii Read morphometry data from FreeSurfer NIFTI format files, determine NIFTI version automatically.
read.fs.morph.txt Read morphometry data from plain text file
read.fs.patch Read FreeSurfer binary or ASCII patch file.
read.fs.patch.asc Read FreeSurfer ASCII format patch.
read.fs.surface Read file in FreeSurfer surface format or various mesh formats.
read.fs.surface.asc Read FreeSurfer ASCII format surface.
read.fs.surface.bvsrf Read Brainvoyager srf format (.srf) mesh as surface.
read.fs.surface.byu Read mesh in BYU format.
read.fs.surface.geo Read GEO format mesh as surface.
read.fs.surface.gii Read GIFTI format mesh as surface.
read.fs.surface.ico Read ICO format mesh as surface.
read.fs.surface.mz3 Read surface mesh in mz3 format, used by Surf-Ice.
read.fs.surface.obj Read OBJ format mesh as surface. Read Object File Format (OFF) mesh as surface.
read.fs.surface.ply Read Stanford PLY format mesh as surface.
read.fs.surface.stl Read mesh in STL format, auto-detecting ASCII versus binary format version.
read.fs.surface.stl.bin Read surface mesh in STL binary format.
read.fs.surface.vtk Read VTK ASCII format mesh as surface.
read.fs.transform Load transformation matrix from a file.
read.fs.transform.dat Load transformation matrix from a tkregister dat file.
read.fs.transform.lta Load transformation matrix from a FreeSurfer linear transform array (LTA) file.
read.fs.transform.xfm Load transformation matrix from an XFM file.
read.fs.volume Read volume file in MGH, MGZ or NIFTI format
read.fs.volume.nii Turn a 3D or 4D 'oro.nifti' instance into an 'fs.volume' instance with complete header.
read.fs.weight Read file in FreeSurfer weight or w format
read.mesh.brainvoyager Read Brainvoyager srf format (.srf) mesh. Read raw NIFTI v1 data from file (which may contain the FreeSurfer hack).
read.nifti1.header Read NIFTI v1 header from file (which may contain the FreeSurfer hack). Read raw data from NIFTI v2 file.
read.nifti2.header Read NIFTI v2 header from file.
read.smp.brainvoyager Read Brainvoyager statistical surface results from SMP file.
readable.files Find files with the given base name and extensions that exist.
read_nisurface Read a surface, based on the file path without extension.
read_nisurfacefile S3 method to read a neuroimaging surface file.
read_nisurfacefile.fsascii Read a FreeSurfer ASCII surface file.
read_nisurfacefile.fsnative Read a FreeSurfer ASCII surface file.
read_nisurfacefile.gifti Read a gifti file as a surface.
rotate2D Rotate a 2D matrix in 90 degree steps.
rotate3D Rotate a 3D array in 90 degree steps.

-- S --

sm0to1 Adapt spatial transformation matrix for 1-based indices.
sm1to0 Adapt spatial transformation matrix for 0-based indices. Translate surface RAS coordinates, as used in surface vertices and surface labels, to volume RAS. Compute Talairach RAS for surface RAS (e.g., vertex coordinates).

-- T -- Compute MNI talairach coordinates from RAS coords.

-- V --

vertex.euclid.dist Compute Euclidean distance between two vertices v1 and v2. Compute Euclidean distance from all mesh vertices to given point.

-- W --

write.fs.annot Write annotation to binary file.
write.fs.annot.gii Write annotation to GIFTI file.
write.fs.colortable Write colortable file in FreeSurfer ASCII LUT format.
write.fs.curv Write file in FreeSurfer curv format
write.fs.label Write vertex indices to file in FreeSurfer label format
write.fs.label.gii Write a binary surface label in GIFTI format.
write.fs.mgh Write file in FreeSurfer MGH or MGZ format
write.fs.morph Write morphometry data in a format derived from the given file name.
write.fs.morph.asc Write file in FreeSurfer ASCII curv format
write.fs.morph.gii Write morphometry data in GIFTI format.
write.fs.morph.ni1 Write morphometry data in NIFTI v1 format.
write.fs.morph.ni2 Write morphometry data in NIFTI v2 format.
write.fs.morph.smp Write morphometry data in Brainvoyager SMP format.
write.fs.morph.txt Write curv data to file in simple text format
write.fs.patch Write a surface patch
write.fs.surface Write mesh to file in FreeSurfer binary surface format
write.fs.surface.asc Write mesh to file in FreeSurfer ASCII surface format
write.fs.surface.bvsrf Write surface to Brainvoyager SRF file.
write.fs.surface.byu Write mesh to file in BYU ASCII format.
write.fs.surface.gii Write mesh to file in GIFTI surface format
write.fs.surface.mz3 Write mesh to file in mz3 binary format.
write.fs.surface.obj Write mesh to file in Wavefront object (.obj) format Write mesh to file in Object File Format (.off)
write.fs.surface.ply Write mesh to file in PLY format (.ply)
write.fs.surface.ply2 Write mesh to file in PLY2 File Format (.ply2)
write.fs.surface.vtk Write mesh to file in VTK ASCII format
write.fs.weight Write file in FreeSurfer weight format
write.fs.weight.asc Write file in FreeSurfer weight ASCII format
write.nifti1 Write header and data to a file in NIFTI v1 format.
write.nifti2 Write header and data to a file in NIFTI v2 format.
write.smp.brainvoyager Write a brainvoyager SMP file.

-- X --

xml_node_gifti_coordtransform Create XML GIFTI CoordinateSystemTransformMatrix node.