fredr |
Get observations of a FRED series |
fredr-key |
FRED API key |
fredr_category |
Get a FRED category |
fredr_category_children |
Get the child categories for a specified FRED parent category |
fredr_category_related |
Get the related categories for a FRED category. |
fredr_category_related_tags |
Get the related FRED tags within a category |
fredr_category_series |
Get the series in a category |
fredr_category_tags |
Get the FRED tags for a category |
fredr_docs |
Open the web documentation for a certain FRED API topic. |
fredr_endpoints |
List of available FRED API endpoints. |
fredr_get_key |
FRED API key |
fredr_has_key |
FRED API key |
fredr_related_tags |
Get related FRED tags given one or more tags |
fredr_release |
Get a release of economic data |
fredr_releases |
Get all releases of economic data |
fredr_releases_dates |
Get release dates for _all_ releases of economic data. |
fredr_release_dates |
Get release dates for a single release of economic data |
fredr_release_related_tags |
Get the related FRED tags for one or more FRED tags within a release |
fredr_release_series |
Get the series on a release of economic data |
fredr_release_sources |
Get the sources for a release of economic data |
fredr_release_tables |
Get release table trees for a given release |
fredr_release_tags |
Get the FRED tags for a release |
fredr_request |
Send a request to the FRED API |
fredr_series |
Return basic information for a FRED series. |
fredr_series_categories |
Get the categories for a FRED series |
fredr_series_observations |
Get observations of a FRED series |
fredr_series_release |
Get the release for a FRED series |
fredr_series_search_id |
Search for a FRED series. |
fredr_series_search_related_tags |
Get the related FRED tags for one or more FRED tags matching a series search |
fredr_series_search_tags |
Get the FRED tags for a series search. |
fredr_series_search_text |
Search for a FRED series. |
fredr_series_tags |
Get the tags for a FRED series |
fredr_series_updates |
Get a set of recently updated FRED series |
fredr_series_vintagedates |
Get the data vintage dates for a FRED series |
fredr_set_key |
FRED API key |
fredr_source |
Get a source of economic data |
fredr_sources |
Get _all_ sources of economic data |
fredr_source_releases |
Get the releases for a source |
fredr_tags |
Get FRED series tags |
fredr_tags_series |
Find FRED series matching tag names |