Fitting Frailty Models with the EM Algorithm

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Documentation for package ‘frailtyEM’ version 1.0.1

Help Pages

autoplot Generic autoplot function
autoplot.emfrail Plots for emfrail objects using 'ggplot2'
ca_test Commenges-Andersen test for heterogeneity
emfrail Fitting semi-parametric shared frailty models with the EM algorithm
emfrail_control Control parameters for emfrail
emfrail_dist Distribution parameters for emfrail
emfrail_pll Profile log-likelihood calculation
logLik.emfrail Log-likelihood for 'emfrail' fitted models
plot.emfrail Plots for emfrail objects
predict.emfrail Predicted hazard and survival curves from an 'emfrail' object
residuals.emfrail Residuals for frailty models
summary.emfrail Summary for 'emfrail' objects