A C D E F I L M N P R S T V W Z misc
frab-package | How to Add Two R Tables |
arith | Arithmetic methods for class '"frab"' |
Arith-method | Arithmetic methods for class '"frab"' |
arity | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
arity-method | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
array_to_sparsetable | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
as.array-method | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
as.data.frame | Coerce a data frame to a frab |
as.data.frame-method | Coerce a data frame to a frab |
as.frab | Creating 'frab' objects |
as.frab-method | Coerce a data frame to a frab |
as.namedvector | Named vectors and the frab package |
as.sparsetable | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
as.table | Tables and frab objects |
as.table-method | Tables and frab objects |
asum | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
asum-method | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
asum.sparsetable | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
asum_exclude_sparsetable | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
asum_sparsetable | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
Compare | Comparison methods |
Compare-method | Comparison methods |
Compare-methods | Comparison methods |
c_frab_add | Arithmetic methods for class '"frab"' |
c_frab_eq | Comparison methods |
c_frab_identity | Arithmetic methods for class '"frab"' |
c_frab_multiply | Arithmetic methods for class '"frab"' |
c_frab_pmax | Arithmetic methods for class '"frab"' |
data.frame | Coerce a data frame to a frab |
dataframe | Coerce a data frame to a frab |
df_to_frab | Coerce a data frame to a frab |
dim | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
dim-method | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
dimnames-method | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
dimnames<--method | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
drop | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
drop-method | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
empty | The zero frab object |
extract | Extraction and replacement methods for class '"frab"' |
frab | Creating 'frab' objects |
frab-class | Class "frab" |
frab_arith_frab | Arithmetic methods for class '"frab"' |
frab_arith_numeric | Arithmetic methods for class '"frab"' |
frab_compare_frab | Comparison methods |
frab_compare_numeric | Comparison methods |
frab_eq | Comparison methods |
frab_eq_num | Comparison methods |
frab_ge_num | Comparison methods |
frab_gt_num | Comparison methods |
frab_le_num | Comparison methods |
frab_lt_num | Comparison methods |
frab_multiply_frab | Arithmetic methods for class '"frab"' |
frab_multiply_numeric | Arithmetic methods for class '"frab"' |
frab_negative | Arithmetic methods for class '"frab"' |
frab_ne_num | Comparison methods |
frab_plus_frab | Arithmetic methods for class '"frab"' |
frab_plus_numeric | Arithmetic methods for class '"frab"' |
frab_power_numeric | Arithmetic methods for class '"frab"' |
frab_print | Methods for printing frabs |
frab_reciprocal | Arithmetic methods for class '"frab"' |
frab_unary | Arithmetic methods for class '"frab"' |
index | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
index-method | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
is.1dtable | Tables and frab objects |
is.empty | The zero frab object |
is.empty-method | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
is.frab | Creating 'frab' objects |
is.na | Miscellaneous functions |
is.na-method | Miscellaneous functions |
is.na.frab | Miscellaneous functions |
is.na<- | Miscellaneous functions |
is.na<--method | Miscellaneous functions |
is.na<-.frab | Miscellaneous functions |
is.namedlogical | Named vectors and the frab package |
is.namedvector | Named vectors and the frab package |
is.notna | Miscellaneous functions |
is.notna-method | Miscellaneous functions |
is.notna.frab | Miscellaneous functions |
is.sparsetable | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
is.unnamedlogical | Named vectors and the frab package |
is.unnamedvector | Named vectors and the frab package |
is.zero | The zero frab object |
lapply | Miscellaneous functions |
lapply-method | Miscellaneous functions |
lapply.disord | Miscellaneous functions |
length | Miscellaneous functions |
length-method | Miscellaneous functions |
length.frab | Miscellaneous functions |
list_to_frab | Creating 'frab' objects |
misc | Miscellaneous functions |
namedvector | Class "frab" |
namedvector-method | Class "frab" |
names | Extraction and replacement methods for class '"frab"' |
names-method | Extraction and replacement methods for class '"frab"' |
names-method | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
names<--method | Extraction and replacement methods for class '"frab"' |
nterms | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
nterms-method | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
numeric_arith_frab | Arithmetic methods for class '"frab"' |
numeric_arith_sparsetable | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
numeric_compare_frab | Comparison methods |
numeric_compare_sparsetable | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
numeric_multiply_frab | Arithmetic methods for class '"frab"' |
numeric_multiply_sparsetable | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
numeric_power_frab | Arithmetic methods for class '"frab"' |
numeric_power_sparsetable | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
num_eq_frab | Comparison methods |
num_eq_sparsetable | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
num_ge_frab | Comparison methods |
num_ge_sparsetable | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
num_gt_frab | Comparison methods |
num_gt_sparsetable | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
num_le_frab | Comparison methods |
num_le_sparsetable | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
num_lt_frab | Comparison methods |
num_lt_sparsetable | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
num_ne_frab | Comparison methods |
pmax | Parallel maxima and minima for frabs |
pmax-method | Parallel maxima and minima for frabs |
pmax-method | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
pmax.frab | Parallel maxima and minima for frabs |
pmax.sparsetable | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
pmax_dots | Parallel maxima and minima for frabs |
pmax_dots_sparsetable | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
pmax_pair | Parallel maxima and minima for frabs |
pmax_pair_sparsetable | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
pmax_sparsetable | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
pmin | Parallel maxima and minima for frabs |
pmin-method | Parallel maxima and minima for frabs |
pmin-method | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
pmin.frab | Parallel maxima and minima for frabs |
pmin.sparsetable | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
pmin_dots | Parallel maxima and minima for frabs |
pmin_dots_sparsetable | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
pmin_pair | Parallel maxima and minima for frabs |
pmin_pair_sparsetable | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
pmin_sparsetable | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
Methods for printing frabs | |
print.frab | Methods for printing frabs |
print_sparsetable_matrixform | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
rfrab | Random frabs |
rfrabb | Random frabs |
rfrabbb | Random frabs |
rspar | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
rspar2 | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
rsparr | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
show-method | Methods for printing frabs |
show-method | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable-class | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable_accessor | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable_add | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable_arith_numeric | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable_arith_sparsetable | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable_asum_exclude | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable_asum_include | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable_compare_numeric | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable_compare_sparsetable | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable_eq | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable_equality | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable_eq_num | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable_eq_sparsetable | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable_ge_num | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable_gt_num | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable_le_num | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable_lt_num | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable_maker | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable_multiply_numeric | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable_multiply_sparsetable | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable_negative | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable_overwrite | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable_plus_sparsetable | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable_pmax | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable_pmin | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable_power_numeric | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable_reciprocal | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable_setter | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable_times_scalar | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable_to_array | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable_to_frab | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable_to_table | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
sparsetable_unary | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
Summary-method | Methods for Function 'Summary' |
Summary-methods | Methods for Function 'Summary' |
table | Tables and frab objects |
table_to_frab | Tables and frab objects |
table_to_sparsetable | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
values | Extraction and replacement methods for class '"frab"' |
values-method | Extraction and replacement methods for class '"frab"' |
values-method | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
values<- | Extraction and replacement methods for class '"frab"' |
values<--method | Extraction and replacement methods for class '"frab"' |
which-method | Miscellaneous functions |
zero | The zero frab object |
!-method | Miscellaneous functions |
[ | Extraction and replacement methods for class '"frab"' |
[-method | Extraction and replacement methods for class '"frab"' |
[-method | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |
[.frab | Extraction and replacement methods for class '"frab"' |
[<- | Extraction and replacement methods for class '"frab"' |
[<--method | Extraction and replacement methods for class '"frab"' |
[<--method | Generalized sparse tables: 'sparsetable' objects |