Integration.Steps {fptdApprox}R Documentation

Subintervals and Integration Steps To Approximate First-Passage-Time Densities


According to the First-Passage-Time Location (FPTL) function and the arguments in the function call, this function calculates suitable subintervals and integration steps in order to approximate the first-passage-time (f.p.t.) density.


Integration.Steps(sfptl, variableStep = TRUE, from.t0 = FALSE,
                  to.T = FALSE, n = 250, p = 0.2, alpha = 1)



an object of class “summary.fptl”.


a logical value indicating whether a variable integration step is used.


a logical value indicating whether the approximation should be calculated from the lower end of the interval considered, t0t_0, specified in the object used as sfptl argument.


a logical value indicating whether the approximation should be calculated to the upper end of the interval considered, TT, specified in the object used as sfptl argument.


Number of points used to determine the integration step in subintervals [ti,tmax,i+][t_i^*, t_{max,i}^+], i=1,,mi=1, \ldots, m, from interesting instants provided by the FPTL function.


Ratio of n used to determine the integration step in subintervals [tmax,i+,ti+1][t_{max,i}^+, t_{i+1}^*], i=1,,mi=1, \ldots, m, [t0,t1][t_0, t_1^*] and [tmax,m+,T][t_{max,m}^{+}, T].


Parameter used to determine the integration step in subintervals [tmax,i+,ti+1][t_{max,i}^+, t_{i+1}^*], i=1,,mi=1, \ldots, m, [t0,t1][t_0, t_1^*] and [tmax,m+,T][t_{max,m}^{+}, T], in order to reduce the computational cost of approximating the f.p.t. density function in those cases where ti+1tmax,i+>>tmax,itit_{i+1}^* - t_{max,i}^+ >> t_{max,i}^{-} - \, t_i^*, for some ii, t1t0>>tmax,1t1t_1^* - t_0 >> t_{max,1}^{-} - \thinspace t_1^* or Ttmax,m+>>tmax,mtmT - t_{max,m}^+ >> t_{max,m}^{-} - \, t_m^*, respectively.


Based on the information provided by the FPTL function contained in the sfptl object, this function computes and returns suitable subintervals and integration steps in order to approximate the density function of the f.p.t. variable according to the other arguments in the function call.

When the sfptl object is of length greater than 1, it comes from an unconditioned f.p.t. problem. Each component is associated with the same f.p.t. problem conditioned on different values of the initial distribution (equally spaced in the range of the distribution). Let x0,jx_{0,j}, j=1,,Nj=1, \ldots, N, these values. For each initial value x0,jx_{0,j} let ti,jt_{i,j}^*, tmax,i,jt_{max,i,j}^- and tmax,i,j+t_{max,i,j}^+, i=1, mji=1,\ldots \ m_j, the interesting time instants provided by the FPTL function and stored in the instants component of the j-th list in the sfptl object. Then, the time instants {ti,j,i=1,2,,2mj}\{t_{i,j}, i=1, 2, \ldots, 2m_j \}, where

ti,j={t(i+1)/2,jfor i oddtmax,i/2,j+for i even,t_{i,j} = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} t_{(i+1)/2, \, j}^* & for \ i \ odd \\[7pt] t_{max, \, i/2, \thinspace j}^+ & for \ i \ even \end{array} \right. ,

provide a suitable partition of interval [t0,T][t_0, T] to approximate the f.p.t density for the fixed value x0,jx_{0,j} of the initial distribution.

If the sfptl object is of length 1, it comes from a conditioned f.p.t. problem. In this case we denote the interesting time instants provided by the FPTL function and stored in the sfptl object by ti,1t_{i,1}^*, tmax,i,1t_{max,i,1}^- and tmax,i,1+t_{max,i,1}^+.

In what follows, x\lceil x \rceil is the integer part of xx.

For each list in the sfptl object the function computes

hi,j=tmax,i,j+ti,jni,j,i=1,,mj,h_{i,j} = \displaystyle{\frac{t_{max,i,j}^{+} - \, t_{i,j}^*}{n_{i,j}}} , i=1, \ldots, m_j,


ni,j=nki,jn_{i,j} = \lceil n \, k_{i,j} \rceil


ki,j=tmax,i,j+ti,jtmax,i,jti,j .k_{i,j} = \displaystyle{\frac{t_{max,i,j}^+ - t_{i,j}^{*}}{t_{max,i,j}^{-} - \, t_{i,j}^*}} \ .

If variableStep = TRUE, for 0<p0 < p and α1\alpha \leq 1, also computes

p0.1p \geq 0.1 and 0.75α10.75 \leq \alpha \leq 1 are recommended; otherwise, some integration steps can be excessively large.

If the sfptl object is of length 1 (conditioned f.p.t. problem), the suitable subintervals and integration steps that the function provides are:

If the sfptl object is a list of length greater than 1 (unconditioned f.p.t problem), a common partition of the interval [t0,T][t_0, T] is calculated from the suitable partitions of this interval for each fixed value of the initial distribution.

Let, in unified form, Hr,jH_{r,j}, r=1,,2mj+1r=1, \ldots, 2m_j+1, the suitable integration steps (calculated for each jj in similar manner to the case of the sfptl object is of length 1) in subintervals Ir,j=[tr1,j,tr,j]I_{r,j} = [t_{r-1,j}, t_{r,j}], with t0,j=t0t_{0,j}=t_0 and t2mj+1,j=Tt_{2m_j+1,j} = T, j=1,,Nj=1, \ldots, N. Then, the ordered values of all time instants in the suitable partitions, t(1),,t(M)t_{(1)}, \ldots, t_{(M)}, provide a common suitable partition of the interval [t0,T][t_0, T] in subintervals [t(i1),t(i)][t_{(i-1)}, t_{(i)}], i=1,,M ⁣+ ⁣1i=1, \ldots, M \negthinspace + \negthinspace 1, where t(0)=t0t_{(0)} = t_0 and t(M ⁣+ ⁣1)=Tt_{(M \negthinspace + \negthinspace 1)} = T.

For this partition, the function computes



A two-component list:


A matrix of subintervals and integrations steps that we must consider in order to approximate the f.p.t. density according to the information contained in the sfptl object and the arguments in the function call.


A list of logical vectors indicating, for each subinterval, the values of the initial distribution for which we must check whether it is possible to avoid applying the numerical algorithm.


Patricia Román-Román, Juan J. Serrano-Pérez and Francisco Torres-Ruiz.


Román, P., Serrano, J. J., Torres, F. (2008) First-passage-time location function: Application to determine first-passage-time densities in diffusion processes. Comput. Stat. Data Anal., 52, 4132–4146.

P. Román-Román, J.J. Serrano-Pérez, F. Torres-Ruiz. (2012) An R package for an efficient approximation of first-passage-time densities for diffusion processes based on the FPTL function. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218, 8408–8428.

P. Román-Román, J.J. Serrano-Pérez, F. Torres-Ruiz. (2014) More general problems on first-passage times for diffusion processes: A new version of the fptdApprox R package. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 244, 432–446.

See Also

Approx.fpt.density to approximate f.p.t. densities from objects of class “summary.fptl” and create objects of class “fpt.density”.

summary.fptl to locate the f.p.t. variable and create objects of class “summary.fptl” from objects of class “fptl”.

FPTL to evaluate the FPTL function and create objects of class “fptl”.


## Continuing the summary.fptl(.) example:

Integration.Steps(yy, from.t0 = TRUE)
Integration.Steps(yy, to.T = TRUE, n = 100, p = 0.25)


[Package fptdApprox version 2.5 Index]