fourierin {fourierin}R Documentation

Compute Fourier integrals


It computes Fourier integrals for functions of one and two variables.


  lower_eval = NULL,
  upper_eval = NULL,
  resolution = NULL,
  eval_grid = NULL,
  use_fft = TRUE



function or a vector of size m. If a function is provided, it must be able to be evaluated at vectors. If a vector of values is provided, such evaluations must have been obtained on a regular grid and the Fourier integral is faster is m is a power of 2.


Lower integration limit(s).


Upper integration limit(s).


Lower evaluation limit(s). It can be NULL if an evaluation grid is provided.


Upper evaluation limit(s). It can be NULL if an evaluation grid is provided.


Factor related to adjust definition of Fourier transform. It is usually equal to 0, -1 or 1.


Constant to adjust the exponent on the definition of the Fourier transform. It is usually equal to 1, -1, 2pi or -2pi.


A vector of integers (faster if powers of two) determining the resolution of the evaluation grid. Not required if f is a vector.


Optional matrix with d columns with the points where the Fourier integral will be evaluated. If it is provided, the FFT will not be used.


Logical value specifying whether the FFT will be used.


See plenty of detailed examples in the vignette.


A list with the elements n-dimensional array and n vectors with their corresponding resolution. Specifically,


A n-dimensional (resol_1 x resol_2 x ... x resol_n) complex array with the values.


A vector of size resol_1


A vector of size resol_n


##--- Example 1 ---------------------------------------------------
##--- Recovering std. normal from its characteristic function -----

## Function to be used in the integrand
myfnc <- function(t) exp(-t^2/2)

## Compute integral
out <- fourierin(f = myfnc, lower_int = -5, upper_int = 5,
                 lower_eval= -3, upper_eval = 3, const_adj = -1,
                 freq_adj = -1, resolution = 64)

## Extract grid and values
grid <- out$w
values <- Re(out$values)

## Compare with true values of Fourier transform
plot(grid, values, type = "l", col = 3)
lines(grid, dnorm(grid), col = 4)

##--- Example 2 ---------------------------------------------------
##--- Computing characteristic function of a gamma r. v. ----------


## Function to be used in integrand
myfnc <- function(t) dgamma(t, shape, rate)

## Compute integral
shape <- 5
rate <- 3
out <- fourierin(f = myfnc, lower_int = 0, upper_int = 6,
                 lower_eval = -4, upper_eval = 4,
                 const_adj = 1, freq_adj = 1, resolution = 64)

## Extract values
grid <- out$w                           # Extract grid
re_values <- Re(out$values)             # Real values
im_values <- Im(out$values)             # Imag values

## Now compute the real and imaginary true values of the
## characteric function.
true_cf <- function(t, shape, rate) (1 - 1i*t/rate)^-shape
true_re <- Re(true_cf(grid, shape, rate))
true_im <- Im(true_cf(grid, shape, rate))

## Compare them. We can see a slight discrepancy on the tails,
## but that is fixed when resulution is increased.
plot(grid, re_values, type = "l", col = 3)
lines(grid, true_re, col = 4)

                                        # Same here
plot(grid, im_values, type = "l", col = 3)
lines(grid, true_im, col = 4)

##--- Example 3 -------------------------------------------------
##--- Recovering std. normal from its characteristic function ---

##-Parameters of bivariate normal distribution
mu <- c(-1, 1)
sig <- matrix(c(3, -1, -1, 2), 2, 2)

##-Multivariate normal density
##-x is n x d
f <- function(x) {
    ##-Auxiliar values
    d <- ncol(x)
    z <- sweep(x, 2, mu, "-")
    ##-Get numerator and denominator of normal density
    num <- exp(-0.5*rowSums(z * (z %*% solve(sig))))
    denom <- sqrt((2*pi)^d*det(sig))

## Characteristic function
## s is n x d
phi <- function(s) {
    complex(modulus = exp(- 0.5*rowSums(s*(s %*% sig))),
            argument = s %*% mu)

##-Approximate cf using Fourier integrals
eval <- fourierin(f, lower_int = c(-8, -6), upper_int = c(6, 8),
                  lower_eval = c(-4, -4), upper_eval = c(4, 4),
                  const_adj = 1, freq_adj =  1,
                  resolution = c(128, 128))

## Extract values
t1 <- eval$w1
t2 <- eval$w2
t <- as.matrix(expand.grid(t1 = t1, t2 = t2))
approx <- eval$values
true <- matrix(phi(t), 128, 128)        # Compute true values

## This is a section of the characteristic function
i <- 65
plot(t2, Re(approx[i, ]), type = "l", col = 2,
     ylab = "",
     xlab = expression(t[2]),
     main = expression(paste("Real part section at ",
                             t[1], "= 0")))
lines(t2, Re(true[i, ]), col = 3)
legend("topleft", legend = c("true", "approximation"),
       col = 3:2, lwd = 1)

##-Another section, now of the imaginary part
plot(t1, Im(approx[, i]), type = "l", col = 2,
     ylab = "",
     xlab = expression(t[1]),
     main = expression(paste("Imaginary part section at ",
                             t[2], "= 0")))
lines(t1, Im(true[, i]), col = 3)
legend("topleft", legend = c("true", "approximation"),
       col = 3:2, lwd = 1)

[Package fourierin version 0.2.5 Index]