Mathematical Operations on R Formula

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Documentation for package ‘formulops’ version 0.5.0

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add_formula Perform a mathematical operation on two formula
as_substituting_formula A substituting formula helps clarify a formula where the parameters are more simply described in separate formulae.
divide_formula Perform a mathematical operation on two formula
formula.substituting_formula Convert a substituting_formula object into a regular formula.
formula_side Extract formula parts
get_lhs Extract formula parts
get_rhs Extract formula parts
Math.formula Perform a mathematical operation on two formula
modify_formula Modify a formula by finding some part of it and replacing it with a new value.
multiply_formula Perform a mathematical operation on two formula
Ops.formula Perform a mathematical operation on two formula
op_formula Perform a mathematical operation on two formula
simplify_parens Remove extraneous parentheses from a formula.
substituting_formula A substituting formula helps clarify a formula where the parameters are more simply described in separate formulae.
subtract_formula Perform a mathematical operation on two formula