Implements the Forest-R.K. Algorithm for Classification Problems

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Documentation for package ‘forestRK’ version 0.0-5

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bstrap Performs bootstrap sampling of the (training) dataset
construct.treeRK Constructs a classification tree on the (training) dataset, by implementing the RK (Random 'K') algorithm
criteria.after.split.calculator Calculates Entropy or Gini Index of a node after a given split
criteria.calculator Calculates Entropy or Gini Index of a particular node before (or without) a split
cutoff.node.and.covariate.index.finder Identifies optimal cutoff point of an impure node for splitting after applying the 'rk' (Random K) algorithm.
draw.treeRK Creates a 'igraph' plot of a 'rktree'
ends.index.finder Identifies numerical indices of the end nodes of a 'rktree' from the matrix of hierarchical flags.
forestRK Builds up a random forest RK model based on the given (training) dataset
get.tree.forestRK Extracts the structure of one or more trees in a forestRK object
importance.forestRK Calculates Gini Importance or Mean Decrease Impurity (same algorithm is used in 'scikit-learn') of each covariate that we consider in the 'forestRK' model
importance.plot.forestRK Generates importance 'ggplot' of the covariates considered in the 'forestRK' model
mds.plot.forestRK Makes 2D MDS (multidimensional scaling) 'ggplot' of the test observations based on the predictions from a 'forestRK' model.
pred.forestRK Make predictions on the test data based on the forestRK model constructed from the training data
pred.treeRK Make predictions on the test observations based on a rktree model
var.used.forestRK Extract the list of covariates used to perform the splits to generate a particular tree(s) in a 'forestRK' object
x.organizer Numericizing a data frame of covariates from the original dataset via Binary or Numeric Encoding
y.organizer Numericize the vector containing categorical class type('y') of the original data