accuracy.cvts |
Accuracy measures for cross-validated time series |
accuracy.hybridModel |
Accuracy measures for hybridModel objects |
checkCVArguments |
Validate that CV window parameters are valid |
checkModelArgs |
Helper function to test all the model arguments (e.g. a.args, e.args, etc) |
checkParallelArguments |
Helper function to check the that the parallel arguments are valid |
cvts |
Cross validation for time series |
extractForecasts |
Extract cross validated rolling forecasts |
fitted.hybridModel |
Extract Model Fitted Values |
forecast.hybridModel |
Hybrid forecast |
forecast.thetam |
Forecast using a Theta model |
getModel |
Return a forecast model function for a given model character |
getModelName |
Translate character to model name |
hybridModel |
Hybrid time series modeling |
is.hybridModel |
Test if the object is a hybridModel object |
plot.hybridModel |
Plot a hybridModel object |
plot.thetam |
Plot components from Theta model |
plotFitted |
Plot the fitted values of a hybridModel object |
plotModelObjects |
Plot the component models of a hybridModel object |
prepareTimeseries |
Helper function to validate and clean the input time series |
print.hybridModel |
Print information about the hybridModel object |
removeModels |
Helper function to remove models that require more data |
residuals.hybridModel |
Extract Model Residuals |
summary.hybridModel |
Print a summary of the hybridModel object |
thetam |
Theta method 'model' |
thiefModel |
Forecast ensemble using THieF |
tsCombine |
Combine multiple sequential time series |
tsPartition |
Generate training and test indices for time series cross validation |
tsSubsetWithIndices |
Subset time series with provided indices |
unwrapParallelModels |
Helper function used to unpack the fitted model objects from a list |