runSystemModel {foreSIGHT}R Documentation

Runs a system model and outputs the system performance


runSystemModel uses time series of hydroclimatic variables generated using the function generateScenarios as input to a systemModel and collates the system performance for all the targets and replicates in the scenarios.


runSystemModel(sim, systemModel, systemArgs, metrics)



list; a simulation containing the scenarios generated using the function generateScenarios.


a function; The function runs the system model using climate data in a data.frame as input. The function is expected to be created by the user for specific system models. tankWrapper is an example system model function available in this package. runSystemModel calls the function systemModel with two arguments:

  • data: data.frame; the climate data in a data frame with columns named year month day *variable_name1* *variable_name2*.

  • systemArgs: list; containing the other arguments required by the system model.systemModel unpack the arguments from the list and uses them as required.

  • metrics: string vector; containing the names of the performance metrics that the system model returns. It is recommended that the names also contain the units of the metric. See viewTankMetrics() for examples.


a list; containing the input arguments to systemModel.


a string vector; the names of the performance metrics the systemModel function returns.


The runSystemModel function code is structured to be simple and may be used as an example to create scripts that use scenarios generated using generateScenarios to run system models in other programming languages. Type runSystemModel to view the function code. The function tankWrapper in this package may be used as an example to create user defined functions for the systemModel argument. Refer to tankWrapper to understand how the systemModel is expected to use systemArgs and return the calculated performance metrics. The systemModel function is expected to return a named list of performance metrics. The elements of the vector should correspond to metrics.


The function returns a list containing the performance metrics calculated by the systemModel. Each element of the list corresponds to a performance metric and is named using the metrics argument. Each element contains performance values calculated at all the target points in the exposure space in a matrix with nrow corresponding to the targets and ncol corresponding to the replicates.

See Also

tankWrapper, generateScenarios


# Example using tankWrapper as the systemModel
## Not run: 
# create an exposure space
attPerturb <- c("P_ann_tot_m", "P_ann_nWet_m")
attHold <- c("P_Feb_tot_m", "P_SON_dyWet_m", "P_JJA_avgWSD_m", "P_MAM_tot_m",
"P_DJF_avgDSD_m", "Temp_ann_rng_m", "Temp_ann_avg_m")
attPerturbType = "regGrid"
attPerturbSamp = c(2, 2)
attPerturbMin = c(0.9, 0.9)
attPerturbMax = c(1.1, 1.1)
expSpace <- createExpSpace(attPerturb = attPerturb,
                           attPerturbSamp = attPerturbSamp,
                           attPerturbMin = attPerturbMin,
                           attPerturbMax = attPerturbMax,
                           attPerturbType = attPerturbType,
                           attHold = attHold,
                           attTargetsFile = NULL)
# load example observed data available in foreSIGHT
# perform stochastic simulation
sim <- generateScenarios(reference = tank_obs,
                                  expSpace = expSpace,
                                  simLengthNyrs = 30)
# use the simulation to run a system model
systemArgs <- list(roofArea = 205, nPeople = 1, tankVol = 2400,
firstFlush = 2.0, write.file = FALSE)
tankMetrics <- viewTankMetrics()
systemPerf = runSystemModel(sim = sim,
                            systemModel = tankWrapper,
                            systemArgs = systemArgs,
                            metrics = tankMetrics[1:2])
## End(Not run)

[Package foreSIGHT version 1.2.0 Index]