stan_foot {footBayes}R Documentation

Fit football models with Stan


Stan football modelling for the most famous models: double Poisson, bivariate Poisson, Skellam, student t, diagonal-inflated bivariate Poisson and zero-inflated Skellam.


  ind_home = "TRUE",



A data frame, or a matrix containing the following mandatory items: season, home team, away team, home goals, away goals.


The type of Stan model used to fit the data. One among the following: "double_pois", "biv_pois", "skellam", "student_t", "diag_infl_biv_pois", "zero_infl_skellam".


The number of out-of-sample matches. If missing, the function returns the fit for the training set only.


Eventual numeric ranking provided for the teams in the dataset (e.g., the Coca-Cola Fifa ranking)


One among "weekly" or "seasonal" for weekly dynamic parameters or seasonal dynamic parameters.


The prior distribution for the team-specific abilities. Possible choices: normal, student_t, cauchy, laplace. See the rstanarm for a deep overview and read the vignette Prior Distributions for rstanarm Models


The prior distribution for the team-specific standard deviations. See the prior argument for more details.


Home effect (default is TRUE).


Optional parameters passed to the function in the rstan package. It is possibly to specify iter, chains, cores, refresh, etc.


Let (y^{H}_{n}, y^{A}_{n}) denote the observed number of goals scored by the home and the away team in the n-th game, respectively. A general bivariate Poisson model allowing for goals' correlation (Karlis & Ntzoufras, 2003) is the following:

Y^H_n, Y^A_n| \lambda_{1n}, \lambda_{2n}, \lambda_{3n} \sim \mathsf{BivPoisson}(\lambda_{1n}, \lambda_{2n}, \lambda_{3n})

\log(\lambda_{1n}) = \mu+att_{h_n} + def_{a_n}

\log(\lambda_{2n}) = att_{a_n} + def_{h_n}

\log(\lambda_{3n}) =\beta_0,

where the case \lambda_{3n}=0 reduces to the double Poisson model (Baio & Blangiardo, 2010). \lambda_{1n}, \lambda_{2n} represent the scoring rates for the home and the away team, respectively, where: \mu is the home effect; the parameters att_T and def_T represent the attack and the defence abilities, respectively, for each team T, T=1,\ldots,N_T; the nested indexes h_{n}, a_{n}=1,\ldots,N_T denote the home and the away team playing in the n-th game, respectively. Attack/defence parameters are imposed a sum-to-zero constraint to achieve identifiability and assigned some weakly-informative prior distributions:

att_T \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_{att}, \sigma_{att})

def_T \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_{def}, \sigma_{def}),

with hyperparameters \mu_{att}, \sigma_{att}, \mu_{def}, \sigma_{def}.

Instead of using the marginal number of goals, another alternative is to modelling directly the score difference (y^{H}_{n}- y^{A}_{n}). We can use the Poisson-difference distribution (or Skellam distribution) to model goal difference in the n-th match (Karlis & Ntzoufras, 2009):

y^{H}_{n}- y^{A}_{n}| \lambda_{1n}, \lambda_{2n} \sim PD(\lambda_{1n}, \lambda_{2n}),

and the scoring rates \lambda_{1n}, \lambda_{2n} are unchanged with respect to the bivariate/double Poisson model. If we want to use a continue distribution, we can use a student t distribution with 7 degrees of freedom (Gelman, 2014):

y^{H}_{n}- y^{A}_{n} \sim t(7, ab_{h_{n}}-ab_{a(n)}, \sigma_y)

ab_t \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu + b \times {prior\_score}_t, sigma_{ab}),

where ab_t is the overall ability for the t-th team, whereas prior\_score_t is a prior measure of team's strength (for instance a ranking).

These model rely on the assumption of static parameters. However, we could assume dynamics in the attach/defence abilities (Owen, 2011; Egidi et al., 2018) in terms of weeks or seasons through the argument dynamic_type. In such a framework, for a given number of times 1, \ldots, \mathcal{T}, the models above would be unchanged, but the priors for the abilities parameters at each time \tau, \tau=2,\ldots, \mathcal{T}, would be:

att_{T, \tau} \sim \mathcal{N}({att}_{T, \tau-1}, \sigma_{att})

def_{T, \tau} \sim \mathcal{N}({def}_{T, \tau-1}, \sigma_{def}),

whereas for \tau=1 we have:

att_{T, 1} \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_{att}, \sigma_{att})

def_{T, 1} \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_{def}, \sigma_{def}).

Of course, the identifiability constraint must be imposed for each time \tau.

The current version of the package allows for the fit of a diagonal-inflated bivariate Poisson and a zero-inflated Skellam model in the spirit of (Karlis & Ntzoufras, 2003) to better capture draw occurrences. See the vignette for further details.


An object of S4 class, stanfit-class.


Leonardo Egidi, Vasilis Palaskas


Baio, G. and Blangiardo, M. (2010). Bayesian hierarchical model for the prediction of football results. Journal of Applied Statistics 37(2), 253-264.

Egidi, L., Pauli, F., and Torelli, N. (2018). Combining historical data and bookmakers' odds in modelling football scores. Statistical Modelling, 18(5-6), 436-459.

Gelman, A. (2014). Stan goes to the World Cup. From "Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science" blog.

Karlis, D. and Ntzoufras, I. (2003). Analysis of sports data by using bivariate poisson models. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series D (The Statistician) 52(3), 381-393.

Karlis, D. and Ntzoufras,I. (2009). Bayesian modelling of football outcomes: Using the Skellam's distribution for the goal difference. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 20(2), 133-145.

Owen, A. (2011). Dynamic Bayesian forecasting models of football match outcomes with estimation of the evolution variance parameter. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 22(2), 99-113.


## Not run: 

### Use Italian Serie A from 2000 to 2002

italy <- as_tibble(italy)
italy_2000_2002<- italy %>%
 dplyr::select(Season, home, visitor, hgoal,vgoal) %>%
 dplyr::filter(Season=="2000" |  Season=="2001"| Season=="2002")

### Fit Stan models
## no dynamics, no predictions

fit1 <- stan_foot(data = italy_2000_2002,
                model="double_pois") # double poisson
print(fit1, pars =c("home", "sigma_att",

fit2 <- stan_foot(data = italy_2000_2002,
                model="biv_pois")    # bivariate poisson
print(fit2, pars =c("home", "rho",
                    "sigma_att", "sigma_def"))

fit3 <- stan_foot(data = italy_2000_2002,
                model="skellam")     # skellam
print(fit3, pars =c("home", "sigma_att",

fit4 <- stan_foot(data = italy_2000_2002,
                model="student_t")   # student_t
print(fit4, pars =c("home", "beta"))

## seasonal dynamics, no prediction

fit5 <- stan_foot(data = italy_2000_2002,
                dynamic_type ="seasonal") # double poisson
print(fit5, pars =c("home", "Sigma_att",

## seasonal dynamics, prediction for the last season

fit6 <- stan_foot(data = italy_2000_2002,
                dynamic_type ="seasonal",
                predict = 306) # double poisson
print(fit6, pars =c("home", "Sigma_att",

## other priors' options

fit_p <- stan_foot(data = italy_2000_2002,
                   priors = student_t (4, 0, NULL),
                   prior_sd = laplace(0,1)) # double poisson with
                                            # student_t priors for teams abilities
                                            # and laplace prior for the hyper sds
print(fit_p,  pars = c("home", "sigma_att",

## End(Not run)

[Package footBayes version 0.2.0 Index]