Add Extra 'Fomantic UI' Components to 'shiny.semantic'

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Documentation for package ‘’ version 0.1.0

Help Pages

addPopup Create Fomantic UI Popup
addTooltip Create Fomantic UI Popup
darkmode_toggle Invert Toggle
extendShinySemantic Add '' Dependencies to 'shiny.semantic' Application
field_rule Field Validation for Fomantic UI
field_validation Field Validation for Fomantic UI
form_button Fomantic UI Button
form_validation Form Validation for Fomantic UI
fui_el Create Fomantic UI Elements
hide_tab Show/Hide Tab
navbar_menu Navbar Menu
navbar_page Fomantic UI page with top level navigation bar
runFPlusExample Run Fomantic Plus Examples
show_tab Show/Hide Tab
tab_panel Tab Panel