Prefe0 {fmsb} | R Documentation |
Changes of life expectancy at birth for each prefecture in Japan since 1965
The data gives the estimates of life expectancy at birth (e0) for each prefecture in Japan since 1965.
A data frame with 47 observations on 26 variables.
[, 1] | PNAME | factor w/47 levels | The name (in roma-ji) for prefectures |
[, 2] | JCODE | numeric | Prefecture number defined by Geographical Information Authority of Japan |
[, 3] | E0M.1965 | numeric | Life expectancy at birth of each prefecture for males in 1965 |
[, 4] | E0M.1970 | numeric | Life expectancy at birth of each prefecture for males in 1970 |
[, 5] | E0M.1975 | numeric | Life expectancy at birth of each prefecture for males in 1975 |
[, 6] | E0M.1980 | numeric | Life expectancy at birth of each prefecture for males in 1980 |
[, 7] | E0M.1985 | numeric | Life expectancy at birth of each prefecture for males in 1985 |
[, 8] | E0M.1990 | numeric | Life expectancy at birth of each prefecture for males in 1990 |
[, 9] | E0M.1995 | numeric | Life expectancy at birth of each prefecture for males in 1995 |
[,10] | E0M.2000 | numeric | Life expectancy at birth of each prefecture for males in 2000 |
[,11] | E0M.2005 | numeric | Life expectancy at birth of each prefecture for males in 2005 |
[,12] | E0M.2010 | numeric | Life expectancy at birth of each prefecture for males in 2010 |
[,13] | E0M.2015 | numeric | Life expectancy at birth of each prefecture for males in 2015 |
[,14] | E0M.2020 | numeric | Life expectancy at birth of each prefecture for males in 2020 |
[,15] | E0F.1965 | numeric | Life expectancy at birth of each prefecture for females in 1965 |
[,16] | E0F.1970 | numeric | Life expectancy at birth of each prefecture for females in 1970 |
[,17] | E0F.1975 | numeric | Life expectancy at birth of each prefecture for females in 1975 |
[,18] | E0F.1980 | numeric | Life expectancy at birth of each prefecture for females in 1980 |
[,19] | E0F.1985 | numeric | Life expectancy at birth of each prefecture for females in 1985 |
[,20] | E0F.1990 | numeric | Life expectancy at birth of each prefecture for females in 1990 |
[,21] | E0F.1995 | numeric | Life expectancy at birth of each prefecture for females in 1995 |
[,22] | E0F.2000 | numeric | Life expectancy at birth of each prefecture for females in 2000 |
[,23] | E0F.2005 | numeric | Life expectancy at birth of each prefecture for females in 2005 |
[,24] | E0F.2010 | numeric | Life expectancy at birth of each prefecture for females in 2010 |
[,25] | E0F.2015 | numeric | Life expectancy at birth of each prefecture for females in 2015 |
[,26] | E0F.2020 | numeric | Life expectancy at birth of each prefecture for females in 2020 |
Life expectancy at birth for each prefecture in Japan since 1965.
: The name (in roma-ji) for prefectures. -
: Prefecture number defined by Geographical Information Authority of Japan. From 1 to 47. -
: Life expectancy at birth (e0) of each prefecture for males ([M]) or for females ([F]) in year (*).
Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan: Vital Statistics with Life Expectancy 2020. (in Japanese), WHO
x <- Prefe0
males <- t(x[, 3:14])
colnames(males) <- x$PNAME
females <- t(x[, 15:26])
colnames(females) <- x$PNAME
COL <- ifelse(x$PNAME=="Nagano", "blue", ifelse(x$PNAME=="Okinawa", "red", "lightgrey"))
LWD <- ifelse(x$PNAME=="Nagano", 2, ifelse(x$PNAME=="Okinawa", 2, 1))
LTY <- ifelse(x$PNAME=="Nagano", 1, ifelse(x$PNAME=="Okinawa", 1, 3))
years <- 1965+0:11*5
matplot(years, males, type="l", col=COL, lwd=LWD, lty=LTY,
main="Changes of e0 for males in each prefecture of Japan
(Blue: Nagano, Red: Okinawa, Grey: Other)")
matplot(years, females, type="l", col=COL, lwd=LWD, lty=LTY,
main="Changes of e0 for females in each prefecture of Japan
(Blue: Nagano, Red: Okinawa, Grey: Other)")