PrefYLL2015 {fmsb}R Documentation

Years of Life Lost by several causes in Japan 2015 for each prefecture


The data gives years of life lost by several causes in Japan 2015 for each prefecture. There are several definitions of YLL. For example, WHO's Global Burden of Disease defines the YLL as the number of deaths multiplied by the standard life expectancy at the age at which death occurs, for a given cause, age and sex (WHO). However, Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare gives the expected increase of the life expectancy at birth if the mortality due to each cause of death is removed from the age-specific mortality as the measure of YLL, and thus this dataset implements such data derived from the report of regional life tables in Japan (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, 2015).




A data frame with 47 observations on 26 variables.

[, 1] PNAME factor w/47 levels The name (in roma-ji) for prefectures
[, 2] JCODE numeric Prefecture number defined by Geographical Information Authority of Japan
[, 3] CancerM numeric Years of Life Lost (YLL) of males by cancer
[, 4] CardioM numeric Years of Life Lost (YLL) of males by heart diseases except for hypertention
[, 5] CerebroM numeric Years of Life Lost (YLL) of males by cerebrovascular disease
[, 6] PneumoniaM numeric Years of Life Lost (YLL) of males by pneumonia
[, 7] AccidentM numeric Years of Life Lost (YLL) of males by accident
[, 8] TrafficM numeric Years of Life Lost (YLL) of males by traffic accidents
[, 9] SuicideM numeric Years of Life Lost (YLL) of males by suicide
[,10] KidneyM numeric Years of Life Lost (YLL) of males by kidney failure
[,11] LiverM numeric Years of Life Lost (YLL) of males by liver disease
[,12] DiabetesM numeric Years of Life Lost (YLL) of males by diabetes
[,13] HypertensM numeric Years of Life Lost (YLL) of males by hypertension
[,14] TBM numeric Years of Life Lost (YLL) of males by tuberculosis
[,15] CancerF numeric Years of Life Lost (YLL) of females by cancer
[,16] CardioF numeric Years of Life Lost (YLL) of females by heart diseases except for hypertention
[,17] CerebroF numeric Years of Life Lost (YLL) of females by cerebrovascular disease
[,18] PneumoniaF numeric Years of Life Lost (YLL) of females by pneumonia
[,19] AccidentF numeric Years of Life Lost (YLL) of females by accident
[,20] TrafficF numeric Years of Life Lost (YLL) of females by traffic accidents
[,21] SuicideF numeric Years of Life Lost (YLL) of females by suicide
[,22] KidneyF numeric Years of Life Lost (YLL) of females by kidney failure
[,23] LiverF numeric Years of Life Lost (YLL) of females by liver disease
[,24] DiabetesF numeric Years of Life Lost (YLL) of females by diabetes
[,25] HypertensF numeric Years of Life Lost (YLL) of females by hypertension
[,26] TBF numeric Years of Life Lost (YLL) of females by tuberculosis


Years of Life Lost by several causes in Japan 2015 for each prefecture.



Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan: Vital Statistics with Life Expectancy 2015. (in Japanese), WHO


x <- PrefYLL2015
COL <- ifelse(x$PNAME=="Nagano", "blue", ifelse(x$PNAME=="Okinawa", "pink", 
              ifelse(x$PNAME=="Shiga", "green", "lightgrey")))
LWD <- ifelse(x$PNAME=="Nagano", 2, ifelse(x$PNAME=="Okinawa", 2, ifelse(x$PNAME=="Shiga", 2, 1)))
LTY <- ifelse(x$PNAME=="Nagano", 1, ifelse(x$PNAME=="Okinawa", 1, ifelse(x$PNAME=="Shiga", 1, 3)))
VX <- c("Cancer","Heart\n Disease","Cerebrovascular\n Disease","Pneumonia",
 "Accident","(Traffic\n Accident)","Suicide","Kidney\n Failure","Liver\n Disease",
males <- x[,3:14]
females <- x[,15:26]
radarchart(males, maxmin=FALSE, pcol=COL, axistype=2, pty=32, plty=LTY, plwd=LWD, vlabels=VX,
 title="YLLs in males (2015)\n (Blue: Nagano, Green: Shiga,\n Pink: Okinawa, Gray: Others)")
radarchart(females, maxmin=FALSE, pcol=COL, axistype=2, pty=32, plty=LTY, plwd=LWD, vlabels=VX,
 title="YLL in females (2015)\n (Blue: Nagano, Green: Shiga,\n Pink: Okinawa, Gray: Others)")

[Package fmsb version 0.7.6 Index]