Jpop {fmsb}R Documentation

Japanese population data


The data gives the sex and age specific population for the all census results in Japan.




A data frame with 86 observations on 61 variables.

[, 1] Age Factor w/86 levels Ages (years old, combined for 85+)
[, 2] M1888 numeric Age specific population of males in 1888
[, 3] F1888 numeric Age specific population of females in 1888
[, 4] M1893 numeric Age specific population of males in 1893
[, 5] F1893 numeric Age specific population of females in 1893
[, 6] M1898 numeric Age specific population of males in 1898
[, 7] F1898 numeric Age specific population of females in 1898
[, 8] M1903 numeric Age specific population of males in 1903
[, 9] F1903 numeric Age specific population of females in 1903
[,10] M1908 numeric Age specific population of males in 1908
[,11] F1908 numeric Age specific population of females in 1908
[,12] M1913 numeric Age specific population of males in 1913
[,13] F1913 numeric Age specific population of females in 1913
[,14] M1918 numeric Age specific population of males in 1918
[,15] F1918 numeric Age specific population of females in 1918
[,16] M1920 numeric Age specific population of males in 1920
[,17] F1920 numeric Age specific population of females in 1920
[,18] M1925 numeric Age specific population of males in 1925
[,19] F1925 numeric Age specific population of females in 1925
[,20] M1930 numeric Age specific population of males in 1930
[,21] F1930 numeric Age specific population of females in 1930
[,22] M1935 numeric Age specific population of males in 1935
[,23] F1935 numeric Age specific population of females in 1935
[,24] M1940 numeric Age specific population of males in 1940
[,25] F1940 numeric Age specific population of females in 1940
[,26] M1947 numeric Age specific population of males in 1947
[,27] F1947 numeric Age specific population of females in 1947
[,28] M1950 numeric Age specific population of males in 1950
[,29] F1950 numeric Age specific population of females in 1950
[,30] M1955 numeric Age specific population of males in 1955
[,31] F1955 numeric Age specific population of females in 1955
[,32] M1960 numeric Age specific population of males in 1960
[,33] F1960 numeric Age specific population of females in 1960
[,34] M1965 numeric Age specific population of males in 1965
[,35] F1965 numeric Age specific population of females in 1965
[,36] M1970 numeric Age specific population of males in 1970
[,37] F1970 numeric Age specific population of females in 1970
[,38] M1975 numeric Age specific population of males in 1975
[,39] F1975 numeric Age specific population of females in 1975
[,40] M1980 numeric Age specific population of males in 1980
[,41] F1980 numeric Age specific population of females in 1980
[,42] M1985 numeric Age specific population of males in 1985
[,43] F1985 numeric Age specific population of females in 1985
[,44] M1990 numeric Age specific population of males in 1990
[,45] F1990 numeric Age specific population of females in 1990
[,46] M1995 numeric Age specific population of males in 1995
[,47] F1995 numeric Age specific population of females in 1995
[,48] M2000 numeric Age specific population of males in 2000
[,49] F2000 numeric Age specific population of females in 2000
[,50] M2005 numeric Age specific population of males in 2005
[,51] F2005 numeric Age specific population of females in 2005
[,52] M2010 numeric Age specific population of males in 2010
[,53] F2010 numeric Age specific population of females in 2010
[,54] M2015 numeric Age specific population of males in 2015
[,55] F2015 numeric Age specific population of females in 2015
[,56] M2015J numeric Age specific population of Japanese males in 2015
[,57] F2015J numeric Age specific population of Japanese females in 2015
[,58] M2020 numeric Age specific population of males in 2020
[,59] F2020 numeric Age specific population of females in 2020
[,60] M2020J numeric Age specific population of Japanese males in 2020
[,61] F2020J numeric Age specific population of Japanese females in 2020


Japanese population data by sex and age given as national official census record.



Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications: Population Census, 1888-2020.

[Package fmsb version 0.7.6 Index]