Jlife {fmsb}R Documentation

Completed lifetables in Japan.


The qx column of the completed lifetables in Japan, from "1891-1898" to "2020", mostly every 5 years.




A data frame with 117 observations (NAs are filled for the ages with no survivors) on 45 variables.

[, 1] Age integer Ages of women
[, 2] qx1895M numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1891-1898.
[, 3] qx1895F numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1891-1898.
[, 4] qx1901M numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1899-1903.
[, 5] qx1901F numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1899-1903.
[, 6] qx1911M numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1909-1913.
[, 7] qx1911F numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1909-1913.
[, 8] qx1923M numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1921-1925.
[, 9] qx1923F numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1921-1925.
[,10] qx1928M numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1926-1930.
[,11] qx1928F numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1926-1930.
[,12] qx1935M numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1935-1936.
[,13] qx1935F numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1935-1936.
[,14] qx1947M numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1947.
[,15] qx1947F numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1947.
[,16] qx1951M numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1950-1952.
[,17] qx1951F numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1950-1952.
[,18] qx1955M numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1955.
[,19] qx1955F numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1955.
[,20] qx1960M numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1960.
[,21] qx1960F numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1960.
[,22] qx1965M numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1965.
[,23] qx1965F numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1965.
[,24] qx1970M numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1970.
[,25] qx1970F numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1970.
[,26] qx1975M numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1975.
[,27] qx1975F numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1975.
[,28] qx1980M numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1980.
[,29] qx1980F numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1980.
[,30] qx1985M numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1985.
[,31] qx1985F numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1985.
[,32] qx1990M numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1990.
[,33] qx1990F numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1990.
[,34] qx1995M numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 1995.
[,35] qx1995F numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 1995.
[,36] qx2000M numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 2000.
[,37] qx2000F numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 2000.
[,38] qx2005M numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 2005.
[,39] qx2005F numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 2005.
[,40] qx2010M numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 2010.
[,41] qx2010F numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 2010.
[,42] qx2015M numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 2015.
[,43] qx2015F numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 2015.
[,44] qx2020M numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese men in 2020.
[,45] qx2020F numeric qx of completed lifetable functions of Japanese women in 2020.


qx columns were cited from the completed life tables in Japan for the 1st to 23rd one (7th one was not made, so that it is missing).


https://warp.da.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/1334623/www.stat.go.jp/english/data/chouki/02.htm https://warp.da.ndl.go.jp/collections/content/info:ndljp/pid/11423429/www.stat.go.jp/data/chouki/zuhyou/02-35.xls https://www.mhlw.go.jp/toukei/saikin/hw/life/20th/index.html https://www.mhlw.go.jp/toukei/saikin/hw/life/21th/index.html https://www.mhlw.go.jp/toukei/saikin/hw/life/22th/index.html https://www.mhlw.go.jp/toukei/saikin/hw/life/23th/index.html


Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan: Completed lifetables. / Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Statistics Bureau: Historical Statistics of Japan.

[Package fmsb version 0.7.6 Index]