32-Bit Floats

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Documentation for package ‘float’ version 0.3-2

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A B C D E F G H I L M N P Q R S T W X misc

float-package 32-Bit Floats

-- A --

abs-method Miscellaneous mathematical functions
acos-method Trigonometric functions
acosh-method Hyperbolic functions
arithmetic arithmetic
as.data.frame.float32 converters
as.double.float32 converters
as.float converters
as.integer.float32 converters
as.matrix.float32 converters
as.numeric-method converters
as.vector.float32 converters
asin-method Trigonometric functions
asinh-method Hyperbolic functions
atan-method Trigonometric functions
atanh-method Hyperbolic functions

-- B --

backsolve backsolve
backsolve-method backsolve
bind rbind
bracket Extract

-- C --

c c
c-method c
cbind.float32 rbind
ceiling-method Round
chol chol
chol-method chol
chol2inv chol2inv
chol2inv-method chol2inv
colMeans-method colSums
colnames-method names
colnames<--method names
colsums colSums
colSums-method colSums
comparison comparison
converters converters
cos-method Trigonometric functions
cosh-method Hyperbolic functions
crossprod crossprod
crossprod-method crossprod

-- D --

dbl converters
diag diag
diag-method diag
dim-method dim
dim<--method dim
dimnames-method names
dimnames<--method names
dims dim

-- E --

eigen eigen
eigen-method eigen
exp-method Logarithms and Exponentials
expm1-method Logarithms and Exponentials
extremes extremes

-- F --

fl converters
float float
float32 float32
float32-class Class float32
floor-method Round
flrand Generators
flrnorm Generators
flrunif Generators
forwardsolve-method backsolve

-- G --

gamma-method Special mathematical functions

-- H --

hyperbolic Hyperbolic functions

-- I --

int converters
is.finite-method Finite, infinite, and NaNs
is.float is.float
is.infinite-method Finite, infinite, and NaNs
is.na-method NA
is.nan-method Finite, infinite, and NaNs
isSymmetric isSymmetric
isSymmetric-method isSymmetric

-- L --

La.svd-method SVD
length-method dim
lgamma-method Special mathematical functions
log Logarithms and Exponentials
log-method Logarithms and Exponentials
log10-method Logarithms and Exponentials
log2-method Logarithms and Exponentials

-- M --

Machine_float Machine_float
mathis Finite, infinite, and NaNs
matmult matmult
max-method extremes
min-method extremes
miscmath Miscellaneous mathematical functions

-- N --

na NA
na.exclude-method NA
na.omit-method NA
names names
names-method names
names<--method names
NaNf NaNf
NA_float_ NA_float_
NCOL-method dim
ncol-method dim
norm norm
norm-method norm
NROW-method dim
nrow-method dim

-- P --

print-float32 print-float32
print-method print-float32

-- Q --

qr QR
qr-method QR
qr.Q-method QR
qr.qty-method QR
qr.qy-method QR
qr.R-method QR

-- R --

rand Generators
rbind.float32 rbind
rcond rcond
rcond-method rcond
rep rep
rep.float32 rep
round Round
round-method Round
rowMeans-method colSums
rownames-method names
rownames<--method names
rowSums-method colSums

-- S --

scale scale
scale-method scale
show-method print-float32
sign sign
sign-method sign
sin-method Trigonometric functions
sinh-method Hyperbolic functions
solve solve
solve-method solve
specialmath Special mathematical functions
sqrt-method Miscellaneous mathematical functions
storage.mode-method converters
sum sum
sum-method sum
svd SVD
svd-method SVD
sweep sweep
sweep-method sweep

-- T --

t-method xpose
tan-method Trigonometric functions
tanh-method Hyperbolic functions
tcrossprod-method crossprod
trig Trigonometric functions
trunc-method Round
typeof-method converters

-- W --

which.max-method extremes
which.min-method extremes

-- X --

xpose xpose

-- misc --

%*%-method matmult
*-method arithmetic
+-method arithmetic
--method arithmetic
/-method arithmetic
<-method arithmetic
<=-method arithmetic
==-method arithmetic
>-method arithmetic
>=-method arithmetic
[-method Extract
[<--method Extract
^-method arithmetic