bg {flextable}R Documentation

Set background color


Change background color of selected rows and columns of a flextable. A function can be used instead of fixed colors.

When bg is a function, it is possible to color cells based on values located in other columns, using hidden columns (those not used by argument colkeys) is a common use case. The argument source has to be used to define what are the columns to be used for the color definition and the argument j has to be used to define where to apply the colors and only accept values from colkeys.


bg(x, i = NULL, j = NULL, bg, part = "body", source = j)



a flextable object


rows selection


columns selection


color to use as background color. If a function, function need to return a character vector of colors.


partname of the table (one of 'all', 'body', 'header', 'footer')


if bg is a function, source is specifying the dataset column to be used as argument to bg. This is only useful if j is colored with values contained in other columns.


Word does not allow you to apply transparency to table cells or paragraph shading.

See Also

Other sugar functions for table style: align(), bold(), color(), empty_blanks(), font(), fontsize(), highlight(), italic(), keep_with_next(), line_spacing(), padding(), rotate(), tab_settings(), valign()


ft_1 <- flextable(head(mtcars))
ft_1 <- bg(ft_1, bg = "wheat", part = "header")
ft_1 <- bg(ft_1, i = ~ qsec < 18, bg = "#EFEFEF", part = "body")
ft_1 <- bg(ft_1, j = "drat", bg = "#606060", part = "all")
ft_1 <- color(ft_1, j = "drat", color = "white", part = "all")

if (require("scales")) {
  ft_2 <- flextable(head(iris))
  colourer <- col_numeric(
    palette = c("wheat", "red"),
    domain = c(0, 7)
  ft_2 <- bg(ft_2,
    j = c(
      "Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width",
      "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width"
    bg = colourer, part = "body"

[Package flextable version 0.9.6 Index]