Tools for Working with XML Files as R Dataframes

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Documentation for package ‘flatxml’ version 0.1.1

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flatxml flatXML: Tools for Working with XML Files as R Dataframes
fxml_findPath Finding XML elements
fxml_findPathBottom Finding XML elements
fxml_findPathFull Finding XML elements
fxml_findPathRoot Finding XML elements
fxml_getAttribute Attributes of an XML element
fxml_getAttributesAll Attributes of an XML element
fxml_getChildren Children of an XML element
fxml_getDepthLevel Handling flat XML files
fxml_getElement Handling flat XML files
fxml_getElementInfo Handling flat XML files
fxml_getParent Parent of an XML element
fxml_getSiblings Siblings of an XML element
fxml_getUniqueElements Handling flat XML files
fxml_getValue Value of an XML element
fxml_hasAttributes Attributes of XML elements
fxml_hasChildren Children of an XML element
fxml_hasParent Parent of an XML element
fxml_hasSiblings Siblings of an XML element
fxml_hasValue Value of an XML element
fxml_importXMLFlat Handling flat XML files
fxml_numAttributes Attributes of XML elements
fxml_numChildren Children of an XML element
fxml_numSiblings Siblings of an XML element
fxml_toDataFrame Converting between XML and dataframes
fxml_toXML Converting between XML and dataframes