fitted.flash | Fitted method for flash objects |
fitted.flash_fit | Fitted method for flash fit objects |
flash | Empirical Bayes matrix factorization |
flash_add_intercept | Add "intercept" to a flash object |
flash_backfit | Backfit a flash object |
flash_clear_timeout | Set timeout |
flash_conv_crit_elbo_diff | Calculate the difference in ELBO |
flash_conv_crit_max_chg | Calculate the maximum absolute difference in scaled loadings and factors |
flash_conv_crit_max_chg_F | Calculate the maximum absolute difference in scaled factors |
flash_conv_crit_max_chg_L | Calculate the maximum absolute difference in scaled loadings |
flash_ebnm | Construct an EBNM function |
flash_factors_fix | Fix flash factors |
flash_factors_init | Initialize flash factors at specified values |
flash_factors_remove | Remove factors from a flash object |
flash_factors_reorder | Reorder factors in a flash object |
flash_factors_set_to_zero | Set flash factors to zero |
flash_factors_unfix | Unfix flash factors |
flash_fit | Extract a flash_fit object |
flash_fit_get_elbo | Extract a flash_fit object |
flash_fit_get_est_tau | Extract a flash_fit object |
flash_fit_get_fixed_tau | Extract a flash_fit object |
flash_fit_get_g | Extract a flash_fit object |
flash_fit_get_KL | Extract a flash_fit object |
flash_fit_get_p2m | Extract a flash_fit object |
flash_fit_get_pm | Extract a flash_fit object |
flash_fit_get_tau | Extract a flash_fit object |
flash_greedy | Greedily add factors to a flash object |
flash_greedy_init_default | Initialize a flash factor |
flash_greedy_init_irlba | Initialize a flash factor using IRLBA |
flash_greedy_init_softImpute | Initialize a flash factor using softImpute |
flash_init | Initialize flash object |
flash_nullcheck | Nullcheck flash factors |
flash_set_conv_crit | Set convergence criterion and tolerance parameter |
flash_set_timeout | Set timeout |
flash_set_verbose | Set verbose output |
flash_verbose_elbo | Display the current ELBO |
flash_verbose_elbo_diff | Display the difference in ELBO |
flash_verbose_max_chg | Display the maximum difference in scaled loadings and factors |
flash_verbose_max_chg_F | Display the maximum difference in scaled factors |
flash_verbose_max_chg_L | Display the maximum difference in scaled loadings |
gtex | GTEx data |
gtex_colors | Colors for plotting GTEx data |
ldf | LDF method for flash and flash fit objects |
ldf.flash | LDF method for flash and flash fit objects |
ldf.flash_fit | LDF method for flash and flash fit objects |
plot.flash | Plot method for flash objects |
residuals.flash | Residuals method for flash objects |
residuals.flash_fit | Residuals method for flash fit objects |