flamingos-package {flamingos} | R Documentation |
FLaMingos: Functional Latent datA Models for clusterING heterogeneOus curveS
is an open-source toolbox for the simultaneous
clustering (or classification) and segmentation of heterogeneous functional
data (i.e time-series ore more generally longitudinal data), with original
and flexible functional latent variable models, fitted by unsupervised
algorithms, including EM algorithms.
contains the following time series clustering and segmentation models:
For the advantages/differences of each of them, the user is referred to our mentioned paper references.
To learn more about flamingos
, start with the vignettes:
browseVignettes(package = "flamingos")
Maintainer: Florian Lecocq florian.lecocq@outlook.com (R port) [translator]
Faicel Chamroukhi faicel.chamroukhi@unicaen.fr (0000-0002-5894-3103)
Marius Bartcus marius.bartcus@gmail.com (R port) [translator]
Chamroukhi, Faicel, and Hien D. Nguyen. 2019. Model-Based Clustering and Classification of Functional Data. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. https://chamroukhi.com/papers/MBCC-FDA.pdf.
Chamroukhi, F. 2016. Unsupervised Learning of Regression Mixture Models with Unknown Number of Components. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 86 (November): 2308–34. https://chamroukhi.com/papers/Chamroukhi-JSCS-2015.pdf.
Chamroukhi, Faicel. 2016. Piecewise Regression Mixture for Simultaneous Functional Data Clustering and Optimal Segmentation. Journal of Classification 33 (3): 374–411. https://chamroukhi.com/papers/Chamroukhi-PWRM-JournalClassif-2016.pdf.
Chamroukhi, F. 2015. Statistical Learning of Latent Data Models for Complex Data Analysis. Habilitation Thesis (HDR), Universite de Toulon. https://chamroukhi.com/Dossier/FChamroukhi-Habilitation.pdf.
Chamroukhi, F., H. Glotin, and A. Same. 2013. Model-Based Functional Mixture Discriminant Analysis with Hidden Process Regression for Curve Classification. Neurocomputing 112: 153–63. https://chamroukhi.com/papers/chamroukhi_et_al_neucomp2013a.pdf.
Chamroukhi, F., and H. Glotin. 2012. Mixture Model-Based Functional Discriminant Analysis for Curve Classification. In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), IEEE, 1–8. Brisbane, Australia. https://chamroukhi.com/papers/Chamroukhi-ijcnn-2012.pdf.
Same, A., F. Chamroukhi, Gerard Govaert, and P. Aknin. 2011. Model-Based Clustering and Segmentation of Time Series with Changes in Regime. Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 5 (4): 301–21. https://chamroukhi.com/papers/adac-2011.pdf.
Chamroukhi, F., A. Same, P. Aknin, and G. Govaert. 2011. Model-Based Clustering with Hidden Markov Model Regression for Time Series with Regime Changes. In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), IEEE, 2814–21. https://chamroukhi.com/papers/Chamroukhi-ijcnn-2011.pdf.
Chamroukhi, F., A. Same, G. Govaert, and P. Aknin. 2010. A Hidden Process Regression Model for Functional Data Description. Application to Curve Discrimination. Neurocomputing 73 (7-9): 1210–21. https://chamroukhi.com/papers/chamroukhi_neucomp_2010.pdf.
Chamroukhi, F. 2010. Hidden Process Regression for Curve Modeling, Classification and Tracking. Ph.D. Thesis, Universite de Technologie de Compiegne. https://chamroukhi.com/papers/FChamroukhi-Thesis.pdf.
See Also
Useful links:
Report bugs at https://github.com/fchamroukhi/FLaMingos/issues