flamingos-package {flamingos}R Documentation

FLaMingos: Functional Latent datA Models for clusterING heterogeneOus curveS


flamingos is an open-source toolbox for the simultaneous clustering (or classification) and segmentation of heterogeneous functional data (i.e time-series ore more generally longitudinal data), with original and flexible functional latent variable models, fitted by unsupervised algorithms, including EM algorithms.

flamingos contains the following time series clustering and segmentation models:

For the advantages/differences of each of them, the user is referred to our mentioned paper references.

To learn more about flamingos, start with the vignettes: browseVignettes(package = "flamingos")


Maintainer: Florian Lecocq florian.lecocq@outlook.com (R port) [translator]



Chamroukhi, Faicel, and Hien D. Nguyen. 2019. Model-Based Clustering and Classification of Functional Data. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. https://chamroukhi.com/papers/MBCC-FDA.pdf.

Chamroukhi, F. 2016. Unsupervised Learning of Regression Mixture Models with Unknown Number of Components. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 86 (November): 2308–34. https://chamroukhi.com/papers/Chamroukhi-JSCS-2015.pdf.

Chamroukhi, Faicel. 2016. Piecewise Regression Mixture for Simultaneous Functional Data Clustering and Optimal Segmentation. Journal of Classification 33 (3): 374–411. https://chamroukhi.com/papers/Chamroukhi-PWRM-JournalClassif-2016.pdf.

Chamroukhi, F. 2015. Statistical Learning of Latent Data Models for Complex Data Analysis. Habilitation Thesis (HDR), Universite de Toulon. https://chamroukhi.com/Dossier/FChamroukhi-Habilitation.pdf.

Chamroukhi, F., H. Glotin, and A. Same. 2013. Model-Based Functional Mixture Discriminant Analysis with Hidden Process Regression for Curve Classification. Neurocomputing 112: 153–63. https://chamroukhi.com/papers/chamroukhi_et_al_neucomp2013a.pdf.

Chamroukhi, F., and H. Glotin. 2012. Mixture Model-Based Functional Discriminant Analysis for Curve Classification. In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), IEEE, 1–8. Brisbane, Australia. https://chamroukhi.com/papers/Chamroukhi-ijcnn-2012.pdf.

Same, A., F. Chamroukhi, Gerard Govaert, and P. Aknin. 2011. Model-Based Clustering and Segmentation of Time Series with Changes in Regime. Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 5 (4): 301–21. https://chamroukhi.com/papers/adac-2011.pdf.

Chamroukhi, F., A. Same, P. Aknin, and G. Govaert. 2011. Model-Based Clustering with Hidden Markov Model Regression for Time Series with Regime Changes. In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), IEEE, 2814–21. https://chamroukhi.com/papers/Chamroukhi-ijcnn-2011.pdf.

Chamroukhi, F., A. Same, G. Govaert, and P. Aknin. 2010. A Hidden Process Regression Model for Functional Data Description. Application to Curve Discrimination. Neurocomputing 73 (7-9): 1210–21. https://chamroukhi.com/papers/chamroukhi_neucomp_2010.pdf.

Chamroukhi, F. 2010. Hidden Process Regression for Curve Modeling, Classification and Tracking. Ph.D. Thesis, Universite de Technologie de Compiegne. https://chamroukhi.com/papers/FChamroukhi-Thesis.pdf.

See Also

Useful links:

[Package flamingos version 0.1.0 Index]