fpConditionCheck {fixedpointproperty} | R Documentation |
Checks preconditions before performing fpANOVA
This function checks whether two conditions are met before performing fpANOVA.
object |
a list of objects from class fpp. |
Finding support for the fixed-point property will be mute if there is no significant
difference between experimental conditions. Whether all conditions differ can be tested
using fpConditionCheck1
, which performs pairwise t-tests. A warning is provided if
at least one paire of conditions does not significantly differ (default settings of
are used).
Finding support for the fixed-point property is difficult if the bandwidth of the density
estimation is chosen too small. In that case, multiple crossing points of pairs of densities
will preclude a precise estimate of the fixed point. fpConditionCheck2
tests the number
of crossing points for each pair of conditions, and provides a warning if more crossing points
are detected.
No return value, called for warnings generated by fpConditionCheck1
and fpConditionCheck2
Leendert van Maanen (l.vanmaanen@uu.nl)
Van Maanen, L., De Jong, R., Van Rijn, H (2014). How to assess the existence of competing strategies in cognitive tasks: A primer on the fixed-point property. PLOS One, 9, e106113
Van Maanen, L. Couto, J. & Lebetron, M. (2016). Three boundary conditions for computing the fixed-point property in binary mixture data. PLOS One, 11, e0167377.
See Also
N <- 200 # nr of observations per condition
M <- 50 # nr of participants
p <- seq(0.1, 0.9, 0.4) # mixture proportions
means <- c(0.3, 0.3) # means of base distributions are equal, yielding a warning if check=TRUE
sigma <- 5 # scale of base distributions
bw <- 0.01
# kernel bandwidth of the density estimation. Too small values yield a warning if check=TRUE
### generate data
rt <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(p)) {
rt <- c(rt, ifelse(sample(0:1, N * M, replace = TRUE, prob = c(p[i], 1 - p[i])),
rnorm(N * M, means[1], sigma), rnorm(N * M, means[2], sigma)))
rt <- rt + rep(rnorm(M, sd = 0.1), times = N) # normally distributed pp random effect
dat <- data.frame(rt = rt, cond = rep(1:length(p), each = N * M), pp = rep(1:M,
each = N))
### compute crossing points
res <- tapply(1:nrow(dat), dat$pp, function(X) {
fpGet(dat[X, ], 1000, bw = bw)
### test fixed point
fpAnova(res, stat = "both", check=TRUE) # this provides both warnings