'Fitbit' Visualizations

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Documentation for package ‘fitbitViz’ version 1.0.6

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crop_DEM Function to crop the AOI from the downloaded DEM .tif file
extend_AOI_buffer Extract the sf-object and raster extent based on a buffer (in meters)
extract_LOG_ID Extract the log-id (it's possible that I receive more than one id)
fitbit_data_type_by_date Fitbit data retrieval for Blood Oxygen Saturation, Heart Rate Variability, Breathing Rate, Temperature and Cardio Fitness Score (or VO2 Max) by Date
gps_lat_lon_to_LINESTRING Convert the GPS, TCX data to a LINESTRING
GPS_TCX_data The GPS-TCX data as a formated data.table
heart_rate_heatmap Heart Rate Intraday Heatmap (by extracting the 'min.', 'median' and 'max.' values of the day)
heart_rate_time_series heart rate activity time series
heart_rate_variability_sleep_time Heart Rate Variability during Sleep Time (the root mean square of successive differences)
leafGL_point_coords Create a Leafet map (including information pop-ups)
rayshader_3d_DEM Rayshader 3-dimensional using the Copernicus DEM elevation data
refresh_token_app Refresh Token of an existing application
sleep_single_day Sleep Data of single day
sleep_time_series Sleep Data Time Series