==.psData |
S3 method for objects of class 'psData' |
as.data.frame.psData |
Converts an object of class 'psData' to a 'data.frame' |
bootCI |
Bootstrap confidence intervals or regions |
bootCI.default |
Bootstrap confidence intervals or regions |
bootCI.psData |
Bootstrap confidence intervals or regions |
bootCI.psFit |
Bootstrap confidence intervals or regions |
comp.survs |
Compare two surveys on the basis of their shape parameters |
compare.surveys |
Compare two surveys on the basis of their shape parameters |
compareSurveys |
Compare two surveys on the basis of their shape parameters |
compareSurveys.default |
Compare two surveys on the basis of their shape parameters |
compareSurveys.psData |
Compare two surveys on the basis of their shape parameters |
compareSurveys.psFit |
Compare two surveys on the basis of their shape parameters |
compareSurveysLRT |
Compare two or more surveys on the basis of their shape parameters using a Likelihood Ratio Test |
confint.psFit |
S3 confint method for objects of class psFit |
createPSData |
Create a survey data set manually |
fitDist |
Fit a Zeta Distribution to Forensic Data |
fitdist |
Fit a Zeta Distribution to Forensic Data |
fitted.psFit |
S3 fitted method for an object of class 'psFit' |
fitZIDist |
Fit a Zero-Inflated Zeta Distribution to Forensic Data |
fitZIdist |
Fit a Zero-Inflated Zeta Distribution to Forensic Data |
fitzidist |
Fit a Zero-Inflated Zeta Distribution to Forensic Data |
makeData |
Create a survey data set manually |
makePSData |
Create a survey data set manually |
mean.psData |
An S3 method for computing the mean of clothing survey for the number of groups or size of groups |
plot.psFit |
S3 plot method for an object of class 'psFit' |
predict.psFit |
S3 predict method for an object of class 'psFit' |
print.psData |
S3 print method for an object of class 'psData' |
print.psFit |
S3 print method for an object of class 'psFit' |
probfun |
Probability Functions |
Psurveys |
Number of Groups of Glass Data |
readData |
Read count data from file |
rzeta |
Generate random variates from a zeta distribution |
rZIzeta |
Generate zero inflated zeta random variates |
rzizeta |
Generate zero inflated zeta random variates |
Ssurveys |
Size of Groups of Glass Data |
summary.psFit |
S3 summary method for an object of class 'psFit' |
var |
Variance generic |
var.psData |
An S3 method for computing the variance of clothing survey for the number of groups or size of groups |