dUNI {fitODBOD}R Documentation

Uniform Distribution Bounded Between [0,1]


These functions provide the ability for generating probability density values, cumulative probability density values and moments about zero values for the Uniform Distribution bounded between [0,1].





vector of probabilities.


Setting a=0a=0 and b=1b=1 in the Uniform Distribution a unit bounded Uniform Distribution can be obtained. The probability density function and cumulative density function of a unit bounded Uniform Distribution with random variable P are given by

gP(p)=1g_{P}(p) = 1

0p10 \le p \le 1

GP(p)=pG_{P}(p) = p

0p10 \le p \le 1

The mean and the variance are denoted as

E[P]=1a+b=0.5E[P]= \frac{1}{a+b}= 0.5

var[P]=(ba)212=0.0833var[P]= \frac{(b-a)^2}{12}= 0.0833

Moments about zero is denoted as

E[Pr]=erberar(ba)=er1rE[P^r]= \frac{e^{rb}-e^{ra}}{r(b-a)}= \frac{e^r-1}{r}

r=1,2,3,...r = 1,2,3,...

NOTE : If input parameters are not in given domain conditions necessary error messages will be provided to go further.


The output of dUNI gives a list format consisting

pdf probability density values in vector form.

mean mean of unit bounded uniform distribution.

var variance of unit bounded uniform distribution.


Horsnell G (1957). “Economical acceptance sampling schemes.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (General), 120(2), 148–201. Johnson NL, Kotz S, Balakrishnan N (1995). Continuous univariate distributions, volume 2, volume 289. John wiley and sons.

See Also





#plotting the random variables and probability values
plot(seq(0,1,by=0.01),dUNI(seq(0,1,by=0.01))$pdf,type = "l",main="Probability density graph",
xlab="Random variable",ylab="Probability density values")

dUNI(seq(0,1,by=0.05))$pdf     #extract the pdf values
dUNI(seq(0,1,by=0.01))$mean    #extract the mean
dUNI(seq(0,1,by=0.01))$var     #extract the variance

#plotting the random variables and cumulative probability values
plot(seq(0,1,by=0.01),pUNI(seq(0,1,by=0.01)),type = "l",main="Cumulative density graph",
xlab="Random variable",ylab="Cumulative density values")

pUNI(seq(0,1,by=0.05))     #acquiring the cumulative probability values

mazUNI(c(1,2,3))    #acquiring the moment about zero values

#only the integer value of moments is taken here because moments cannot be decimal

[Package fitODBOD version 1.5.2 Index]