Mean and Covariance Matrix Estimation under Heavy Tails

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Documentation for package ‘fitHeavyTail’ version 0.2.0

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fitHeavyTail-package fitHeavyTail: Mean and Covariance Matrix Estimation under Heavy Tails
fit_Cauchy Estimate parameters of a multivariate elliptical distribution to fit data under a Cauchy distribution
fit_mvst Estimate parameters of a multivariate (generalized hyperbolic) skewed t distribution to fit data
fit_mvt Estimate parameters of a multivariate Student's t distribution to fit data
fit_Tyler Estimate parameters of a multivariate elliptical distribution to fit data via Tyler's method
nu_OPP_estimator Estimate the degrees of freedom of a heavy-tailed t distribution based on the OPP estimator
nu_POP_estimator Estimate the degrees of freedom of a heavy-tailed t distribution based on the POP estimator