fuelModels {firebehavioR} | R Documentation |
Surface fuel models.
Fuel models developed by Anderson (1982), Scott (1999), and Scott & Burgan (2005) for prediction of surface fire behavior.
A data frame with 60 observations of 18 variables:
- fuelModelType
"S"tatic or "D"ynamic fuel load transfer
- loadLitter
load of litter fuel (Mg/ha)
- load1hr
load of 1-hr fuel (Mg/ha)
- load10hr
load of 10-hr fuel (Mg/ha)
- load100hr
load of 100-hr fuel (Mg/ha)
- loadLiveHerb
load of herbaceous fuel (Mg/ha)
- loadLiveWoody
load of woody fuel(Mg/ha)
- savLitter
surface area to volume ratio of litter fuel (m2/m3)
- sav1hr
surface area to volume ratio of 1-hr fuel (m2/m3)
- sav10hr
surface area to volume ratio of 10-hr fuel (m2/m3)
- sav100hr
surface area to volume ratio of 100-hr fuel (m2/m3)
- savLiveHerb
surface area to volume ratio of herbaceous fuel (m2/m3)
- savLiveWoody
surface area to volume ratio of woody fuel (m2/m3)
- fuelBedDepth
depth of woody fuel (cm)
- mxDead
dead fuel moisture of extinction (%)
- heat
heat content (J/g)
- description
fuel model description
- source
scientific source
Anderson, H.E. 1982. Aids to determining fuel models for estimating fire behavior. INT-GTR-122. US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experimental Station.
Scott, J.H. 1999. NEXUS: A system for assessing crown fire hazard. Fire Management Notes 59(2):20 –24.
Scott, J.H., & Burgan, R. E. 2005. A new set of standard fire behavior fuel models for use with Rothermel’s surface fire spread model. RMRS-GTR-153. US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.