Web Client/Wrapper to the 'Figma API'

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Documentation for package ‘figma’ version 0.2.0

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as_figma_document Convert a 'httr' response object to a Figma Document object
as_tibble Convert a 'httr' response object to a 'tibble' object
build_query_string Build a query string from a set of named parameters
build_request_url Build the request URL
default_attrs Default attributes of every Figma node
document_attrs Default document attributes of a Figma file
get_document_info Get the document metadata of a Figma File from the API
get_endpoint_url Get the URL to a endpoint of Figma API
get_figma_file Get data of a Figma File from the API
get_figma_page Get data of a specific canvas/page in a Figma File from the API
parse_response_object Parse the response data and fit it into a R object
quarto_website A representation of a Quarto Website home webpage
select_any_of Select any of the elements in a object
untitled_file An example of a simple Figma file