A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y misc
fields-package | fields - tools for spatial data |
add.image | Adds an image to an existing plot. |
addColorBarTriangle | Draws an image plot with a legend strip for the color scale based on either a regular grid or a grid of quadrilaterals. |
addLegend | Draws an image plot with a legend strip for the color scale based on either a regular grid or a grid of quadrilaterals. |
addMarginsGridList | Utilities for fast spatial prediction. |
addToDiagC | Information objects that register C and FORTRAN functions. |
arrow.plot | Adds arrows to a plot |
as.image | Creates image from irregular x,y,z |
as.surface | Creates an "surface" object from grid values. |
average.image | Some simple functions for subsetting images |
BD | Data frame of the effect of buffer compositions on DNA strand displacement amplification. A 4-d regression data set with with replication. This is a useful test data set for exercising function fitting methods. |
boxplotVGram | Traditional or robust variogram methods for spatial data |
bplot | boxplot |
bplot.xy | Boxplots for conditional distribution |
bubblePlot | Useful plots for visualizing irregular spatial data. |
checkPredictGrid | Unconditional and conditional simulation of a spatial process |
ChicagoO3 | Data set of ozone measurements at 20 Chicago monitoring stations. |
circulantEmbedding | Efficiently Simulates a Stationary 1 and 2D Gaussian random fields |
circulantEmbeddingSetup | Efficiently Simulates a Stationary 1 and 2D Gaussian random fields |
CO.elev | Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997 |
CO.elevGrid | Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997 |
CO.Grid | Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997 |
CO.id | Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997 |
CO.loc | Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997 |
CO.names | Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997 |
CO.ppt | Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997 |
CO.ppt.MAM | Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997 |
CO.ppt.MAM.climate | Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997 |
CO.tmax | Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997 |
CO.tmax.MAM | Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997 |
CO.tmax.MAM.climate | Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997 |
CO.tmean.MAM.climate | Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997 |
CO.tmin | Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997 |
CO.tmin.MAM | Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997 |
CO.tmin.MAM.climate | Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997 |
CO.years | Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997 |
CO2 | Simulated global CO2 observations |
CO2.true | Simulated global CO2 observations |
coef.Krig | Kriging surface estimate |
color.scale | Some useful color tables for images and tools to handle them. |
colorBar | Draws an image plot with a legend strip for the color scale based on either a regular grid or a grid of quadrilaterals. |
colorbar.plot | Adds color scale strips to an existing plot. |
COmonthlyMet | Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997 |
compactToMat | Convert Matrix from Compact Vector to Standard Form |
compactToMatC | Information objects that register C and FORTRAN functions. |
confidenceIntervalMLE | Estimates a spatial process model. |
cover.design | Computes Space-Filling "Coverage" designs using Swapping Algorithm |
crop.image | Some simple functions for subsetting images |
crossCoVGram | Traditional or robust variogram methods for spatial data |
cubic.cov | Exponential family, radial basis functions,cubic spline, compactly supported Wendland family, stationary covariances and non-stationary covariances. |
designer.colors | Some useful color tables for images and tools to handle them. |
discretize.image | Some simple functions for working with gridded data and the grid format (grid.list) used in fields. |
distMatHaversin | Information objects that register C and FORTRAN functions. |
distMatHaversin2 | Information objects that register C and FORTRAN functions. |
drape.color | Perspective plot draped with colors in the facets. |
drape.plot | Perspective plot draped with colors in the facets. |
envelopePlot | Add a shaded the region between two functions to an existing plot |
Exp.cov | Exponential family, radial basis functions,cubic spline, compactly supported Wendland family, stationary covariances and non-stationary covariances. |
Exp.image.cov | Exponential, Matern and general covariance functions for 2-d gridded locations. |
Exp.simple.cov | Exponential family, radial basis functions,cubic spline, compactly supported Wendland family, stationary covariances and non-stationary covariances. |
Exponential | Covariance functions |
ExponentialUpper | Evaluate covariance over upper triangle of distance matrix |
ExponentialUpperC | Information objects that register C and FORTRAN functions. |
fastTps | Thin plate spline regression |
fields | fields - tools for spatial data |
fields.color.picker | fields - graphics hints |
fields.convert.grid | Some simple functions for working with gridded data and the grid format (grid.list) used in fields. |
fields.D | Wendland family of covariance functions and supporting numerical functions |
fields.derivative.poly | Fields supporting functions |
fields.duplicated.matrix | Fields supporting functions |
fields.evlpoly | Fields supporting functions |
fields.evlpoly2 | Fields supporting functions |
fields.hints | fields - graphics hints |
fields.mkpoly | Fields supporting functions |
fields.pochdown | Wendland family of covariance functions and supporting numerical functions |
fields.pochup | Wendland family of covariance functions and supporting numerical functions |
fields.rdist.near | Euclidean distance matrix or vector |
fields.style | fields - graphics hints |
fields.tests | Testing fields functions |
fields.x.to.grid | Some simple functions for working with gridded data and the grid format (grid.list) used in fields. |
fieldsPlotColors | Some useful color tables for images and tools to handle them. |
fillGrid | Fast bilinear interpolator from a grid. |
findGridBox | Utilities for fast spatial prediction. |
fitted.Krig | Kriging surface estimate |
flame | Response surface experiment ionizing a reagent |
gcv.sreg | Finds profile likelihood and GCV estimates of smoothing parameters for splines and Kriging. |
get.rectangle | Some simple functions for subsetting images |
getVGMean | Traditional or robust variogram methods for spatial data |
glacier | Franke's Glacier Elevation Data |
grid list | Some simple functions for working with gridded data and the grid format (grid.list) used in fields. |
grid.list | Some simple functions for working with gridded data and the grid format (grid.list) used in fields. |
half.image | Some simple functions for subsetting images |
image.plot | Draws an image plot with a legend strip for the color scale based on either a regular grid or a grid of quadrilaterals. |
image.smooth | Kernel smoother for irregular 2-d data |
image2lz | Some simple functions for subsetting images |
imagePlot | Draws an image plot with a legend strip for the color scale based on either a regular grid or a grid of quadrilaterals. |
in.land.grid | Plot of the world |
in.poly | Some simple functions for subsetting images |
in.poly.grid | Some simple functions for subsetting images |
interp.surface | Fast bilinear interpolator from a grid. |
interp.surface.FFT | Fast bilinear interpolator from a grid. |
interp.surface.grid | Fast bilinear interpolator from a grid. |
Krig | Kriging surface estimate |
Krig.Amatrix | Smoother (or "hat") matrix relating predicted values to the dependent (Y) values. |
Krig.check.xY | Basic linear algebra utilities and other computations supporting the Krig function. |
Krig.coef | Basic linear algebra utilities and other computations supporting the Krig function. |
Krig.engine.default | Basic linear algebra utilities and other computations supporting the Krig function. |
Krig.engine.fixed | Basic linear algebra utilities and other computations supporting the Krig function. |
Krig.make.u | Basic linear algebra utilities and other computations supporting the Krig function. |
Krig.make.W | Basic linear algebra utilities and other computations supporting the Krig function. |
Krig.make.Wi | Basic linear algebra utilities and other computations supporting the Krig function. |
Krig.null.function | Default function to create fixed matrix part of spatial process model. |
Krig.replicates | Collapse repeated spatial locations into unique locations |
Krig.transform.xY | Basic linear algebra utilities and other computations supporting the Krig function. |
KrigFindLambda | Finds profile likelihood and GCV estimates of smoothing parameters for splines and Kriging. |
larry.colors | Some useful color tables for images and tools to handle them. |
lennon | Gray image of John Lennon. |
make.surface.grid | Some simple functions for working with gridded data and the grid format (grid.list) used in fields. |
makeMultiIndex | Some simple functions for working with gridded data and the grid format (grid.list) used in fields. |
makePredictionGridList | Unconditional and conditional simulation of a spatial process |
makeSimulationGrid | Unconditional and conditional simulation of a spatial process |
Matern | Covariance functions |
Matern.cor.to.range | Covariance functions |
matern.image.cov | Exponential, Matern and general covariance functions for 2-d gridded locations. |
minitri | Mini triathlon results |
mKrig | "micro Krig" Spatial process estimate of a curve or surface, "kriging" with a known covariance function. |
mKrig.coef | "micro Krig" Spatial process estimate of a curve or surface, "kriging" with a known covariance function. |
mKrig.grid | Using MKrig for predicting on a grid. |
mKrig.trace | "micro Krig" Spatial process estimate of a curve or surface, "kriging" with a known covariance function. |
mKrigCheckXY | "micro Krig" Spatial process estimate of a curve or surface, "kriging" with a known covariance function. |
mKrigFastPredict | Evaluates a fitted function or the prediction error as a surface that is suitable for plotting with the image, persp, or contour functions. |
mKrigFastPredictSetup | Utilities for fast spatial prediction. |
mKrigJointTemp.fn | Maximizes likelihood for the process marginal variance (sigma) and nugget standard deviation (tau) parameters (e.g. lambda) over a many covariance models or covariance parameter values. |
mKrigMLEGrid | Maximizes likelihood for the process marginal variance (sigma) and nugget standard deviation (tau) parameters (e.g. lambda) over a many covariance models or covariance parameter values. |
mKrigMLEJoint | Maximizes likelihood for the process marginal variance (sigma) and nugget standard deviation (tau) parameters (e.g. lambda) over a many covariance models or covariance parameter values. |
mltdrb | Information objects that register C and FORTRAN functions. |
multebC | Information objects that register C and FORTRAN functions. |
multwendlandg | Information objects that register C and FORTRAN functions. |
NorthAmericanRainfall | Observed North American summer precipitation from the historical climate network. |
NorthAmericanRainfall2 | Observed North American summer precipitation from the historical climate network. |
offGridWeights | Utilities for fast spatial prediction. |
offGridWeights1D | Utilities for fast spatial prediction. |
offGridWeights2D | Utilities for fast spatial prediction. |
ozone | Data set of ozone measurements at 20 Chicago monitoring stations. |
ozone2 | Daily 8-hour ozone averages for sites in the Midwest |
Paciorek.cov | Exponential family, radial basis functions,cubic spline, compactly supported Wendland family, stationary covariances and non-stationary covariances. |
parse.grid.list | Some simple functions for working with gridded data and the grid format (grid.list) used in fields. |
plot.Krig | Diagnostic and summary plots of a Kriging, spatialProcess or spline object. |
plot.spatialProcess | Estimates a spatial process model. |
plot.sreg | Diagnostic and summary plots of a Kriging, spatialProcess or spline object. |
plot.surface | Plots a surface |
plot.vgram | Traditional or robust variogram methods for spatial data |
plot.vgram.matrix | Computes a variogram from an image |
plotMatrix | Draws an image plot with a legend strip for the color scale based on either a regular grid or a grid of quadrilaterals. |
poly.image | Image plot for cells that are irregular quadrilaterals. |
poly.image.regrid | Image plot for cells that are irregular quadrilaterals. |
predict.fastTps | Evaluation of Krig spatial process estimate. |
predict.Krig | Evaluation of Krig spatial process estimate. |
predict.mKrig | "micro Krig" Spatial process estimate of a curve or surface, "kriging" with a known covariance function. |
predict.sreg | Cubic smoothing spline regression |
predict.Tps | Evaluation of Krig spatial process estimate. |
predictDerivative.Krig | Evaluation of Krig spatial process estimate. |
predictSE | Standard errors of predictions for Krig spatial process estimate |
predictSE.Krig | Standard errors of predictions for Krig spatial process estimate |
predictSE.mKrig | Standard errors of predictions for Krig spatial process estimate |
predictSEUsingKrigA | Standard errors of predictions for Krig spatial process estimate |
predictSurface | Evaluates a fitted function or the prediction error as a surface that is suitable for plotting with the image, persp, or contour functions. |
predictSurface.default | Evaluates a fitted function or the prediction error as a surface that is suitable for plotting with the image, persp, or contour functions. |
predictSurface.fastTps | Evaluates a fitted function or the prediction error as a surface that is suitable for plotting with the image, persp, or contour functions. |
predictSurface.Krig | Evaluates a fitted function or the prediction error as a surface that is suitable for plotting with the image, persp, or contour functions. |
predictSurface.mKrig | Evaluates a fitted function or the prediction error as a surface that is suitable for plotting with the image, persp, or contour functions. |
predictSurfaceSE | Evaluates a fitted function or the prediction error as a surface that is suitable for plotting with the image, persp, or contour functions. |
predictSurfaceSE.default | Evaluates a fitted function or the prediction error as a surface that is suitable for plotting with the image, persp, or contour functions. |
print.Krig | Print kriging fit results. |
print.mKrig | "micro Krig" Spatial process estimate of a curve or surface, "kriging" with a known covariance function. |
print.mKrigSummary | "micro Krig" Spatial process estimate of a curve or surface, "kriging" with a known covariance function. |
print.spatialProcess | Estimates a spatial process model. |
print.spatialProcessSummary | Estimates a spatial process model. |
PRISMelevation | Monthly total precipitation (mm) for August 1997 in the Rocky Mountain Region and some gridded 4km elevation data sets (m). |
profileCI | Maximizes likelihood for the process marginal variance (sigma) and nugget standard deviation (tau) parameters (e.g. lambda) over a many covariance models or covariance parameter values. |
profileMLE | Estimates a spatial process model. |
pushpin | Adds a "push pin" to an existing 3-d plot |
QSreg | Robust and Quantile smoothing using a thin-plate spline |
qsreg | Quantile or Robust spline regression |
QTps | Robust and Quantile smoothing using a thin-plate spline |
quilt.plot | Useful plots for visualizing irregular spatial data. |
Rad.cov | Exponential family, radial basis functions,cubic spline, compactly supported Wendland family, stationary covariances and non-stationary covariances. |
Rad.image.cov | Exponential, Matern and general covariance functions for 2-d gridded locations. |
Rad.simple.cov | Exponential family, radial basis functions,cubic spline, compactly supported Wendland family, stationary covariances and non-stationary covariances. |
RadialBasis | Covariance functions |
rat.diet | Experiment studying an appetite supressant in rats. |
RCMexample | 3-hour precipitation fields from a regional climate model |
rdist | Euclidean distance matrix or vector |
rdist.earth | Great circle distance matrix or vector |
rdist.earth.vec | Great circle distance matrix or vector |
rdist.vec | Euclidean distance matrix or vector |
RdistC | Information objects that register C and FORTRAN functions. |
RdistEarth | Great circle distance matrix or vector |
resid.Krig | Kriging surface estimate |
ribbon.plot | Adds to an existing plot, a ribbon of color, based on values from a color scale, along a sequence of line segments. |
RMelevation | Monthly total precipitation (mm) for August 1997 in the Rocky Mountain Region and some gridded 4km elevation data sets (m). |
RMprecip | Monthly total precipitation (mm) for August 1997 in the Rocky Mountain Region and some gridded 4km elevation data sets (m). |
set.panel | Specify a panel of plots |
setup.image.smooth | Kernel smoother for irregular 2-d data |
setupLegend | Draws an image plot with a legend strip for the color scale based on either a regular grid or a grid of quadrilaterals. |
sim.Krig | Unconditional and conditional simulation of a spatial process |
sim.rf | Efficiently Simulates a Stationary 1 and 2D Gaussian random fields |
sim.spatialProcess | Unconditional and conditional simulation of a spatial process |
simLocal.spatialProcess | Unconditional and conditional simulation of a spatial process |
simSpatialData | Unconditional and conditional simulation of a spatial process |
smooth.2d | Kernel smoother for irregular 2-d data |
snow.colors | Some useful color tables for images and tools to handle them. |
spam2full | Conversion of formats for sparse matrices |
spam2spind | Conversion of formats for sparse matrices |
spatialProcess | Estimates a spatial process model. |
spatialProcessSetDefaults | Estimates a spatial process model. |
spind2full | Conversion of formats for sparse matrices |
spind2spam | Conversion of formats for sparse matrices |
splint | Cubic spline interpolation |
sreg | Cubic smoothing spline regression |
stationary.cov | Exponential family, radial basis functions,cubic spline, compactly supported Wendland family, stationary covariances and non-stationary covariances. |
stationary.image.cov | Exponential, Matern and general covariance functions for 2-d gridded locations. |
stationary.taper.cov | Exponential family, radial basis functions,cubic spline, compactly supported Wendland family, stationary covariances and non-stationary covariances. |
stats | Calculate summary statistics |
stats.bin | Bins data and finds some summary statistics. |
summary.Krig | Summary for Krig or spatialProcess estimated models. |
summary.mKrig | "micro Krig" Spatial process estimate of a curve or surface, "kriging" with a known covariance function. |
summary.ncdf | Summarizes a netCDF file handle |
summary.spatialProcess | Estimates a spatial process model. |
supportsArg | Tests if function supports a given argument |
surface.Krig | Plots a surface and contours |
surface.mKrig | Plots a surface and contours |
test.for.zero | Testing fields functions |
tim.colors | Some useful color tables for images and tools to handle them. |
Tps | Thin plate spline regression |
Tps.cov | Exponential family, radial basis functions,cubic spline, compactly supported Wendland family, stationary covariances and non-stationary covariances. |
transformx | Linear transformation |
two.colors | Some useful color tables for images and tools to handle them. |
unrollZGrid | Some simple functions for working with gridded data and the grid format (grid.list) used in fields. |
US | Plot of the US with state boundaries |
US.dat | Outline of coterminous US and states. |
vgram | Traditional or robust variogram methods for spatial data |
vgram.matrix | Computes a variogram from an image |
Wendland | Wendland family of covariance functions and supporting numerical functions |
Wendland.beta | Wendland family of covariance functions and supporting numerical functions |
wendland.cov | Exponential family, radial basis functions,cubic spline, compactly supported Wendland family, stationary covariances and non-stationary covariances. |
wendland.eval | Wendland family of covariance functions and supporting numerical functions |
wendland.image.cov | Exponential, Matern and general covariance functions for 2-d gridded locations. |
Wendland2.2 | Wendland family of covariance functions and supporting numerical functions |
which.max.image | Some simple functions for subsetting images |
which.max.matrix | Some simple functions for subsetting images |
world | Plot of the world |
world.color | Plot of the world |
world.land | Plot of the world |
WorldBankCO2 | Carbon emissions and demographic covariables by country for 1999. |
xline | Draw a vertical line |
yline | Draw horizontal lines |
%d*% | Basic linear algebra utilities and other computations supporting the Krig function. |