Tools for Spatial Data

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Documentation for package ‘fields’ version 15.2

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A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y misc

fields-package fields - tools for spatial data

-- A --

add.image Adds an image to an existing plot.
addColorBarTriangle Draws an image plot with a legend strip for the color scale based on either a regular grid or a grid of quadrilaterals.
addLegend Draws an image plot with a legend strip for the color scale based on either a regular grid or a grid of quadrilaterals.
addMarginsGridList Utilities for fast spatial prediction.
addToDiagC Information objects that register C and FORTRAN functions.
arrow.plot Adds arrows to a plot
as.image Creates image from irregular x,y,z
as.surface Creates an "surface" object from grid values.
average.image Some simple functions for subsetting images

-- B --

BD Data frame of the effect of buffer compositions on DNA strand displacement amplification. A 4-d regression data set with with replication. This is a useful test data set for exercising function fitting methods.
boxplotVGram Traditional or robust variogram methods for spatial data
bplot boxplot
bplot.xy Boxplots for conditional distribution
bubblePlot Useful plots for visualizing irregular spatial data.

-- C --

checkPredictGrid Unconditional and conditional simulation of a spatial process
ChicagoO3 Data set of ozone measurements at 20 Chicago monitoring stations.
circulantEmbedding Efficiently Simulates a Stationary 1 and 2D Gaussian random fields
circulantEmbeddingSetup Efficiently Simulates a Stationary 1 and 2D Gaussian random fields
CO.elev Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997
CO.elevGrid Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997
CO.Grid Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997 Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997
CO.loc Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997
CO.names Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997
CO.ppt Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997
CO.ppt.MAM Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997
CO.ppt.MAM.climate Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997
CO.tmax Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997
CO.tmax.MAM Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997
CO.tmax.MAM.climate Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997
CO.tmean.MAM.climate Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997
CO.tmin Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997
CO.tmin.MAM Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997
CO.tmin.MAM.climate Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997
CO.years Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997
CO2 Simulated global CO2 observations
CO2.true Simulated global CO2 observations
coef.Krig Kriging surface estimate
color.scale Some useful color tables for images and tools to handle them.
colorBar Draws an image plot with a legend strip for the color scale based on either a regular grid or a grid of quadrilaterals.
colorbar.plot Adds color scale strips to an existing plot.
COmonthlyMet Monthly surface meterology for Colorado 1895-1997
compactToMat Convert Matrix from Compact Vector to Standard Form
compactToMatC Information objects that register C and FORTRAN functions.
confidenceIntervalMLE Estimates a spatial process model. Computes Space-Filling "Coverage" designs using Swapping Algorithm
crop.image Some simple functions for subsetting images
crossCoVGram Traditional or robust variogram methods for spatial data
cubic.cov Exponential family, radial basis functions,cubic spline, compactly supported Wendland family, stationary covariances and non-stationary covariances.

-- D --

designer.colors Some useful color tables for images and tools to handle them.
discretize.image Some simple functions for working with gridded data and the grid format (grid.list) used in fields.
distMatHaversin Information objects that register C and FORTRAN functions.
distMatHaversin2 Information objects that register C and FORTRAN functions.
drape.color Perspective plot draped with colors in the facets.
drape.plot Perspective plot draped with colors in the facets.

-- E --

envelopePlot Add a shaded the region between two functions to an existing plot
Exp.cov Exponential family, radial basis functions,cubic spline, compactly supported Wendland family, stationary covariances and non-stationary covariances.
Exp.image.cov Exponential, Matern and general covariance functions for 2-d gridded locations.
Exp.simple.cov Exponential family, radial basis functions,cubic spline, compactly supported Wendland family, stationary covariances and non-stationary covariances.
Exponential Covariance functions
ExponentialUpper Evaluate covariance over upper triangle of distance matrix
ExponentialUpperC Information objects that register C and FORTRAN functions.

-- F --

fastTps Thin plate spline regression
fields fields - tools for spatial data
fields.color.picker fields - graphics hints
fields.convert.grid Some simple functions for working with gridded data and the grid format (grid.list) used in fields.
fields.D Wendland family of covariance functions and supporting numerical functions
fields.derivative.poly Fields supporting functions
fields.duplicated.matrix Fields supporting functions
fields.evlpoly Fields supporting functions
fields.evlpoly2 Fields supporting functions
fields.hints fields - graphics hints
fields.mkpoly Fields supporting functions
fields.pochdown Wendland family of covariance functions and supporting numerical functions
fields.pochup Wendland family of covariance functions and supporting numerical functions
fields.rdist.near Euclidean distance matrix or vector fields - graphics hints
fields.tests Testing fields functions Some simple functions for working with gridded data and the grid format (grid.list) used in fields.
fieldsPlotColors Some useful color tables for images and tools to handle them.
fitted.Krig Kriging surface estimate
flame Response surface experiment ionizing a reagent

-- G --

gcv.sreg Finds profile likelihood and GCV estimates of smoothing parameters for splines and Kriging.
get.rectangle Some simple functions for subsetting images
getVGMean Traditional or robust variogram methods for spatial data
glacier Franke's Glacier Elevation Data
grid list Some simple functions for working with gridded data and the grid format (grid.list) used in fields.
grid.list Some simple functions for working with gridded data and the grid format (grid.list) used in fields.

-- H --

half.image Some simple functions for subsetting images

-- I --

image.plot Draws an image plot with a legend strip for the color scale based on either a regular grid or a grid of quadrilaterals.
image.smooth Kernel smoother for irregular 2-d data
image2lz Some simple functions for subsetting images
imagePlot Draws an image plot with a legend strip for the color scale based on either a regular grid or a grid of quadrilaterals. Plot of the world
in.poly Some simple functions for subsetting images
in.poly.grid Some simple functions for subsetting images
interp.surface Fast bilinear interpolator from a grid.
interp.surface.grid Fast bilinear interpolator from a grid.

-- K --

Krig Kriging surface estimate
Krig.Amatrix Smoother (or "hat") matrix relating predicted values to the dependent (Y) values.
Krig.check.xY Basic linear algebra utilities and other computations supporting the Krig function.
Krig.coef Basic linear algebra utilities and other computations supporting the Krig function.
Krig.engine.default Basic linear algebra utilities and other computations supporting the Krig function.
Krig.engine.fixed Basic linear algebra utilities and other computations supporting the Krig function.
Krig.make.u Basic linear algebra utilities and other computations supporting the Krig function.
Krig.make.W Basic linear algebra utilities and other computations supporting the Krig function.
Krig.make.Wi Basic linear algebra utilities and other computations supporting the Krig function.
Krig.null.function Default function to create fixed matrix part of spatial process model.
Krig.replicates Collapse repeated spatial locations into unique locations
Krig.transform.xY Basic linear algebra utilities and other computations supporting the Krig function.
KrigFindLambda Finds profile likelihood and GCV estimates of smoothing parameters for splines and Kriging.

-- L --

larry.colors Some useful color tables for images and tools to handle them.
lennon Gray image of John Lennon.

-- M --

make.surface.grid Some simple functions for working with gridded data and the grid format (grid.list) used in fields.
makeMultiIndex Some simple functions for working with gridded data and the grid format (grid.list) used in fields.
makePredictionGridList Unconditional and conditional simulation of a spatial process
makeSimulationGrid Unconditional and conditional simulation of a spatial process
Matern Covariance functions Covariance functions
matern.image.cov Exponential, Matern and general covariance functions for 2-d gridded locations.
minitri Mini triathlon results
mKrig "micro Krig" Spatial process estimate of a curve or surface, "kriging" with a known covariance function.
mKrig.coef "micro Krig" Spatial process estimate of a curve or surface, "kriging" with a known covariance function.
mKrig.grid Using MKrig for predicting on a grid.
mKrig.trace "micro Krig" Spatial process estimate of a curve or surface, "kriging" with a known covariance function.
mKrigCheckXY "micro Krig" Spatial process estimate of a curve or surface, "kriging" with a known covariance function.
mKrigFastPredict Evaluates a fitted function or the prediction error as a surface that is suitable for plotting with the image, persp, or contour functions.
mKrigFastPredictSetup Utilities for fast spatial prediction.
mKrigJointTemp.fn Maximizes likelihood for the process marginal variance (sigma) and nugget standard deviation (tau) parameters (e.g. lambda) over a many covariance models or covariance parameter values.
mKrigMLEGrid Maximizes likelihood for the process marginal variance (sigma) and nugget standard deviation (tau) parameters (e.g. lambda) over a many covariance models or covariance parameter values.
mKrigMLEJoint Maximizes likelihood for the process marginal variance (sigma) and nugget standard deviation (tau) parameters (e.g. lambda) over a many covariance models or covariance parameter values.
mltdrb Information objects that register C and FORTRAN functions.
multebC Information objects that register C and FORTRAN functions.
multwendlandg Information objects that register C and FORTRAN functions.

-- N --

NorthAmericanRainfall Observed North American summer precipitation from the historical climate network.

-- O --

offGridWeights Utilities for fast spatial prediction.
offGridWeights1D Utilities for fast spatial prediction.
offGridWeights2D Utilities for fast spatial prediction.
ozone Data set of ozone measurements at 20 Chicago monitoring stations.
ozone2 Daily 8-hour ozone averages for sites in the Midwest

-- P --

Paciorek.cov Exponential family, radial basis functions,cubic spline, compactly supported Wendland family, stationary covariances and non-stationary covariances.
parse.grid.list Some simple functions for working with gridded data and the grid format (grid.list) used in fields.
plot.Krig Diagnostic and summary plots of a Kriging, spatialProcess or spline object.
plot.spatialProcess Estimates a spatial process model.
plot.sreg Diagnostic and summary plots of a Kriging, spatialProcess or spline object.
plot.surface Plots a surface
plot.vgram Traditional or robust variogram methods for spatial data
plot.vgram.matrix Computes a variogram from an image
poly.image Image plot for cells that are irregular quadrilaterals.
poly.image.regrid Image plot for cells that are irregular quadrilaterals.
predict.fastTps Evaluation of Krig spatial process estimate.
predict.Krig Evaluation of Krig spatial process estimate.
predict.mKrig "micro Krig" Spatial process estimate of a curve or surface, "kriging" with a known covariance function.
predict.sreg Cubic smoothing spline regression
predict.Tps Evaluation of Krig spatial process estimate.
predictDerivative.Krig Evaluation of Krig spatial process estimate.
predictSE Standard errors of predictions for Krig spatial process estimate
predictSE.Krig Standard errors of predictions for Krig spatial process estimate
predictSE.mKrig Standard errors of predictions for Krig spatial process estimate
predictSEUsingKrigA Standard errors of predictions for Krig spatial process estimate
predictSurface Evaluates a fitted function or the prediction error as a surface that is suitable for plotting with the image, persp, or contour functions.
predictSurface.default Evaluates a fitted function or the prediction error as a surface that is suitable for plotting with the image, persp, or contour functions.
predictSurface.fastTps Evaluates a fitted function or the prediction error as a surface that is suitable for plotting with the image, persp, or contour functions.
predictSurface.Krig Evaluates a fitted function or the prediction error as a surface that is suitable for plotting with the image, persp, or contour functions.
predictSurface.mKrig Evaluates a fitted function or the prediction error as a surface that is suitable for plotting with the image, persp, or contour functions.
predictSurfaceSE Evaluates a fitted function or the prediction error as a surface that is suitable for plotting with the image, persp, or contour functions.
predictSurfaceSE.default Evaluates a fitted function or the prediction error as a surface that is suitable for plotting with the image, persp, or contour functions.
print.Krig Print kriging fit results.
print.mKrig "micro Krig" Spatial process estimate of a curve or surface, "kriging" with a known covariance function.
print.mKrigSummary "micro Krig" Spatial process estimate of a curve or surface, "kriging" with a known covariance function.
print.spatialProcess Estimates a spatial process model.
print.spatialProcessSummary Estimates a spatial process model.
PRISMelevation Monthly total precipitation (mm) for August 1997 in the Rocky Mountain Region and some gridded 4km elevation data sets (m).
profileCI Maximizes likelihood for the process marginal variance (sigma) and nugget standard deviation (tau) parameters (e.g. lambda) over a many covariance models or covariance parameter values.
profileMLE Estimates a spatial process model.
pushpin Adds a "push pin" to an existing 3-d plot

-- Q --

QSreg Robust and Quantile smoothing using a thin-plate spline
qsreg Quantile or Robust spline regression
QTps Robust and Quantile smoothing using a thin-plate spline
quilt.plot Useful plots for visualizing irregular spatial data.

-- R --

Rad.cov Exponential family, radial basis functions,cubic spline, compactly supported Wendland family, stationary covariances and non-stationary covariances.
Rad.image.cov Exponential, Matern and general covariance functions for 2-d gridded locations.
Rad.simple.cov Exponential family, radial basis functions,cubic spline, compactly supported Wendland family, stationary covariances and non-stationary covariances.
RadialBasis Covariance functions Experiment studying an appetite supressant in rats.
RCMexample 3-hour precipitation fields from a regional climate model
rdist Euclidean distance matrix or vector Great circle distance matrix or vector Great circle distance matrix or vector
rdist.vec Euclidean distance matrix or vector
RdistC Information objects that register C and FORTRAN functions.
RdistEarth Great circle distance matrix or vector
resid.Krig Kriging surface estimate
ribbon.plot Adds to an existing plot, a ribbon of color, based on values from a color scale, along a sequence of line segments.
RMelevation Monthly total precipitation (mm) for August 1997 in the Rocky Mountain Region and some gridded 4km elevation data sets (m).
RMprecip Monthly total precipitation (mm) for August 1997 in the Rocky Mountain Region and some gridded 4km elevation data sets (m).

-- S --

set.panel Specify a panel of plots
setup.image.smooth Kernel smoother for irregular 2-d data
setupLegend Draws an image plot with a legend strip for the color scale based on either a regular grid or a grid of quadrilaterals.
sim.Krig Unconditional and conditional simulation of a spatial process
sim.rf Efficiently Simulates a Stationary 1 and 2D Gaussian random fields
sim.spatialProcess Unconditional and conditional simulation of a spatial process
simLocal.spatialProcess Unconditional and conditional simulation of a spatial process
simSpatialData Unconditional and conditional simulation of a spatial process
smooth.2d Kernel smoother for irregular 2-d data
snow.colors Some useful color tables for images and tools to handle them.
spam2full Conversion of formats for sparse matrices
spam2spind Conversion of formats for sparse matrices
spatialProcess Estimates a spatial process model.
spatialProcessSetDefaults Estimates a spatial process model.
spind2full Conversion of formats for sparse matrices
spind2spam Conversion of formats for sparse matrices
splint Cubic spline interpolation
sreg Cubic smoothing spline regression
stationary.cov Exponential family, radial basis functions,cubic spline, compactly supported Wendland family, stationary covariances and non-stationary covariances.
stationary.image.cov Exponential, Matern and general covariance functions for 2-d gridded locations.
stationary.taper.cov Exponential family, radial basis functions,cubic spline, compactly supported Wendland family, stationary covariances and non-stationary covariances.
stats Calculate summary statistics
stats.bin Bins data and finds some summary statistics.
summary.Krig Summary for Krig or spatialProcess estimated models.
summary.mKrig "micro Krig" Spatial process estimate of a curve or surface, "kriging" with a known covariance function.
summary.ncdf Summarizes a netCDF file handle
summary.spatialProcess Estimates a spatial process model.
supportsArg Tests if function supports a given argument
surface.Krig Plots a surface and contours
surface.mKrig Plots a surface and contours

-- T -- Testing fields functions
tim.colors Some useful color tables for images and tools to handle them.
Tps Thin plate spline regression
Tps.cov Exponential family, radial basis functions,cubic spline, compactly supported Wendland family, stationary covariances and non-stationary covariances.
transformx Linear transformation
two.colors Some useful color tables for images and tools to handle them.

-- U --

unrollZGrid Some simple functions for working with gridded data and the grid format (grid.list) used in fields.
US Plot of the US with state boundaries
US.dat Outline of coterminous US and states.

-- V --

vgram Traditional or robust variogram methods for spatial data
vgram.matrix Computes a variogram from an image

-- W --

Wendland Wendland family of covariance functions and supporting numerical functions
Wendland.beta Wendland family of covariance functions and supporting numerical functions
wendland.cov Exponential family, radial basis functions,cubic spline, compactly supported Wendland family, stationary covariances and non-stationary covariances.
wendland.eval Wendland family of covariance functions and supporting numerical functions
wendland.image.cov Exponential, Matern and general covariance functions for 2-d gridded locations.
Wendland2.2 Wendland family of covariance functions and supporting numerical functions
which.max.image Some simple functions for subsetting images
which.max.matrix Some simple functions for subsetting images
world Plot of the world
world.color Plot of the world Plot of the world
WorldBankCO2 Carbon emissions and demographic covariables by country for 1999.

-- X --

xline Draw a vertical line

-- Y --

yline Draw horizontal lines

-- misc --

%d*% Basic linear algebra utilities and other computations supporting the Krig function.