Focused Information Criteria for Model Comparison

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Documentation for package ‘fic’ version 1.0.0

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fic-package Focused Information Criteria for Model Comparison
all_inds Form indicator matrix describing all submodels of a general linear wide model
all_inds.coxph Form indicator matrix describing all submodels of a general linear wide model
all_inds.default Form indicator matrix describing all submodels of a general linear wide model
all_inds.glm Form indicator matrix describing all submodels of a general linear wide model
all_inds.lm Form indicator matrix describing all submodels of a general linear wide model
birthwt Risk factors associated with low infant birth weight
expand_inds Form 'fic' model indicator argument in presence of factors
FIC Focused information criteria: main user interface
fic Focused information criteria: main user interface
fic.coxph Focused information criteria for Cox proportional hazard regression models
fic.default Focused information criteria: main user interface
fic.flexsurvreg Focused information criteria for flexible parametric survival models
fic.glm Focused information criteria for generalized linear models
fic.lm Focused information criteria for linear models
fic.msm Focused information criteria for multi-state models for panel data
fic.survreg Focused information criteria for parametric survival models
fic_core Focused information criteria: core calculation functions
fic_multi Focused information criteria: core calculation functions
fit_submodels Fit submodels of a general linear wide model, defined by a matrix of indicators for inclusion of covariates
focus_fns Built-in focus functions and their derivatives
get_H0 Interpolate cumulative hazard function from a fitted Cox model
ggplot_fic Plot focused model comparison statistics: ggplot2 method
mean_normal Built-in focus functions and their derivatives
mean_normal_deriv Built-in focus functions and their derivatives
melanoma Malignant melanoma survival data
newdata_to_X Convert data frame of covariate values to a design matrix
plot.fic Plot focused model comparison statistics: base graphics method
prob_logistic Built-in focus functions and their derivatives
prob_logistic_deriv Built-in focus functions and their derivatives
summary.fic Summarise focused model comparison results