Handling HL7 FHIR® Resources in R

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Documentation for package ‘fhircrackr’ version 2.2.0

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as_fhir Coerce character vector to fhir_bundle_list
example_bundles1 Toy example bundles for multiple entries
example_bundles2 Toy example bundles for multiple entries
example_bundles3 Toy example bundles for multiple entries
example_bundles4 Toy example bundles for multiple entries
example_bundles5 Toy example bundles for multiple entries
example_resource1 Toy examples to POST/PUT on a server
example_resource2 Toy examples to POST/PUT on a server
example_resource3 Toy examples to POST/PUT on a server
fhir_authenticate Create token for Authentication
fhir_body Create fhir_body object
fhir_body,character,character-methods Create fhir_body object
fhir_body,list,character-methods Create fhir_body object
fhir_body,list,missing-methods Create fhir_body object
fhir_body-class An s4 class to represent a body for a POST to a FHIR server
fhir_body-method Create fhir_body object
fhir_build_bundle Build a FHIR bundle
fhir_build_bundle-method Build a FHIR bundle
fhir_build_resource Build a single FHIR resource
fhir_bundle-class An S4 class to represent FHIR bundles
fhir_bundle_list Create fhir_bundle_list object
fhir_bundle_list-class S4 class to represent a list of FHIR bundles
fhir_bundle_serialized-class An S4 class to represent a FHIR bundle in serialized form
fhir_bundle_xml Create fhir_bundle_xml object
fhir_bundle_xml-class An S4 class to represent a FHIR bundle in xml form
fhir_canonical_design Retrieve design of last call to fhir_crack
fhir_capability_statement Get capability statement
fhir_cast Cast table with multiple entries This function divides multiple entries in a compact indexed table as produced by 'fhir_crack()' into separate columns.
fhir_columns Create fhir_columns object
fhir_columns-class A S4 class to represent columns in a fhir_table_description
fhir_columns-method Create fhir_columns object
fhir_common_columns Find common columns
fhir_count_resource Get Resources' Counts
fhir_crack Flatten list of FHIR bundles
fhir_crack-method Flatten list of FHIR bundles
fhir_current_request Return FHIR search request used in last call to 'fhir_search()' or 'fhir_url()'
fhir_design Create a fhir_design object
fhir_design-class A S4 class containing a design for 'fhir_crack()'
fhir_design-method Create a fhir_design object
fhir_df_list-class List of data.frames as returned by 'fhir_crack()'
fhir_dt_list-class List of data.tables as returned by 'fhir_crack()'
fhir_get_resources_by_ids Get Resources by their IDs
fhir_get_resource_ids Get Resources' IDs
fhir_load Load bundles from xml-files
fhir_load_design Load design from xml
fhir_melt Melt multiple entries
fhir_next_bundle_url Next Bundle's URL
fhir_post POST to a FHIR server
fhir_post-method POST to a FHIR server
fhir_put PUT to a FHIR server
fhir_recent_http_error Return most recent http error from 'fhir_search()'
fhir_request fhir_request
fhir_resource-class An S4 class to represent FHIR resources
fhir_resource_serialized-class An S4 class to represent a FHIR resource in serialized form
fhir_resource_type Create fhir_resource_type object
fhir_resource_type-class A representation of a FHIR resource type
fhir_resource_xml Create fhir_resource_xml object
fhir_resource_xml-class An S4 class to represent a FHIR resource in xml form
fhir_resource_xml-method Create fhir_resource_xml object
fhir_rm_div Remove html elements
fhir_rm_indices Remove indices from data.frame/data.table
fhir_rm_tag Remove a certain xml tag
fhir_rm_tag-method Remove a certain xml tag
fhir_sample_resources Randomly sample resources from a FHIR server
fhir_sample_resources_by_ids Download a random sample of resources from a vector of resource IDs.
fhir_save Save FHIR bundles as xml-files
fhir_save_design Write design to xml
fhir_search Download FHIR search result
fhir_serialize Serialize a fhir_bundle, fhir_bundle_list or fhir_resource
fhir_serialize-method Serialize a fhir_bundle, fhir_bundle_list or fhir_resource
fhir_table_description Create fhir_table_description object
fhir_table_description-class A S4 class describing the form of a table produced by 'fhir_crack()'
fhir_tree Represent a wide cast table as a tree
fhir_unserialize Unserialize a fhir_bundle, fhir_bundle_list or fhir_resource
fhir_unserialize-method Unserialize a fhir_bundle, fhir_bundle_list or fhir_resource
fhir_url Create FHIR URL
fhir_url-class An S4 object to represent a URL for a FHIR server
fhir_url-method Create FHIR URL
fhir_xpath_expression Create fhir_xpath_expression
fhir_xpath_expression-class An S4 class for xpath_expressions Objects of this class are essentially character vectors, but can only be valid XPath (1.0) expressions. They are mostly used in the 'fhir_columns' class.
medication_bundles Exemplary FHIR bundles
pastep Concatenate paths
paste_paths Concatenate two paths
patient_bundles Exemplary FHIR bundles
transaction_bundle_example Toy examples to POST/PUT on a server