Wrapper for 'FFTW3' Includes: One-Dimensional, Two-Dimensional, Three-Dimensional, and Multivariate Transforms

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Documentation for package ‘fftwtools’ version 0.9-11

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fftw Compute fft using fftw3
fftw2d Compute a two-dimensional FFT on a matrix using FFTW3
fftw3d Compute a two-dimensional FFT on a matrix using FFTW3
fftw_c2c Compute fft using fftw3
fftw_c2c_2d Compute a two-dimensional FFT on a matrix using FFTW3
fftw_c2c_3d Compute a two-dimensional FFT on a matrix using FFTW3
fftw_c2c_xd Compute a two-dimensional FFT on a matrix using FFTW3
fftw_c2r Compute fft using fftw3
fftw_r2c Compute fft using fftw3
fftw_r2c_2d Compute a two-dimensional FFT on a matrix using FFTW3
fftw_r2c_3d Compute a two-dimensional FFT on a matrix using FFTW3
mvfftw Compute the FFT on each column of a matrix using FFTW3
mvfftw_c2c Compute the FFT on each column of a matrix using FFTW3
mvfftw_c2r Compute the FFT on each column of a matrix using FFTW3
mvfftw_r2c Compute the FFT on each column of a matrix using FFTW3