Fifty-Fifty MANOVA

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Documentation for package ‘ffmanova’ version 1.1.2

Help Pages

dressing Dressing data
ffAnova Type II* Anova
ffmanova Fifty-fifty MANOVA
fixModelMatrix Fix the "factor" matrix of a terms object.
manova5050 Computation of 50-50 MANOVA results
matlabColon Simulate Matlab's ':'
multiPvalues p-values from MANOVA test statistics
multiStatistics MANOVA test statistics
predict.ffmanova Predictions, mean predictions, adjusted means and linear combinations
rotationtest Rotation testing
rotationtests Rotation testing
stdize Centering and scaling of matrices
stdize3 Centering and scaling of matrices
unitest Univariate F or t testing
unitests Univariate F or t testing