fedstat_data_ids_filter {fedstatAPIr}R Documentation

Filters data_ids based on filters that are given in JSON format


Filters indicator data_ids with given filters taking into account possible filters specification errors and default filters.

filters should use filter_field_title in names and filter_value_title in values as they are presented on fedstat.ru. If for some reason the specified filters do not return the expected result, it is worth inspecting possible filter values in data_ids to see if the strings are defined correctly (e.g. encoding issues, mixing latin and cyrillic symbols)

filter_value_title currently supports the following special values:

  1. asterix (*), it's alias for "select all possible filter values for this filter field"

Unspecified filters use asterix as a default (i.e. all possible filter values are selected and a warning is given)

Internally normalized filter_field_title and filter_value_title are used (all lowercase, removed extra whitespaces) to compare the equality of data_ids and filters


fedstat_data_ids_filter(data_ids, filters = list(), disable_warnings = FALSE)



data.frame, result of fedstat_get_data_ids with or without conjunction with fedstat_get_data_ids_special_cases_handle


JSON in R list form. The structure should be like this:

 "filter_field_title1": ["filter_value_title1", "filter_value_title2"],
 "filter_field_title2": ["filter_value_title1", "filter_value_title2"],

Where for example filter_field_title1 could be a string "Year" with filter_value_title1 equal to 2020 and filter_field_title2 could be a string "OKATO" with filter_value_title1 equal to "Russian Federation" Not actual filter field titles and filter values titles because of ASCII requirement for CRAN


bool, enables or disables following warnings:

  1. About non matched filter_value_title in filters and filter_value_title from data_ids;

  2. About unspecified filter_filed_title in filters.


data.frame, filtered data_ids

See Also

fedstat_get_data_ids, fedstat_post_data_ids_filtered


## Not run: 
# Get data filters identificators for CPI
# filter the data_ids to get data for january of 2023
# for all goods and services for Russian Federation
data_ids_filtered <- fedstat_get_data_ids("31074") %>%
    filters = list(
      "Territory" = "Russian Federation",
      "Year" = "2023",
      "Period" = "January",
      "Types of goods and services" = "*"

# Not actual filter field titles and filter values titles because of ASCII requirement for CRAN

## End(Not run)

[Package fedstatAPIr version 1.0.3 Index]