noRegMin {fechner}R Documentation

Artificial Data: Regular Minimality Violated


Artificial data of fictitious ‘discrimination probabilities’ among 10 fictitious stimuli.




The noRegMin data frame consists of 10 rows and 10 columns, representing the fictitious stimuli presented in the first and second observation area, respectively. Each number, a numeric, in the data frame is assumed to give the relative frequency of perceivers scoring ‘different’ to the row stimulus ‘followed’ by the column stimulus.


This dataset is artificial and included for illustrating regular minimality being violated. It differs from the artificial data regMin only in the entry in row \#9 and column \#10.


Dzhafarov, E. N. and Colonius, H. (2006) Reconstructing distances among objects from their discriminability. Psychometrika, 71, 365–386.

Dzhafarov, E. N. and Colonius, H. (2007) Dissimilarity cumulation theory and subjective metrics. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 51, 290–304.

Uenlue, A. and Kiefer, T. and Dzhafarov, E. N. (2009) Fechnerian scaling in R: The package fechner. Journal of Statistical Software, 31(6), 1–24. URL

See Also

regMin for the other artificial data satisfying regular minimality in non-canonical form; for checking data format; check.regular for checking regular minimality/maximality; fechner, the main function for Fechnerian scaling. See also morse for Rothkopf's Morse code data, wish for Wish's Morse-code-like data, and fechner-package for general information about this package.


## dataset noRegMin violates regular minimality
check.regular(noRegMin, type = "reg.minimal")

[Package fechner version 1.0-3 Index]