pac {fec16} | R Documentation |
Political Action Committee (PAC) and Party Summary Financial Information
PAC and party summary financial information
A data frame with 12049 rows and 27 columns:
- cmte_id
A 9-character alpha-numeric code assigned to a committee by the Federal Election Commission
- cmte_nm
Name of the committee
- cmte_tp
Committee Type, listed here:
- cmte_dsgn
A = Authorized by a candidate
B = Lobbyist/Registrant PAC
D = Leadership PAC
J = Joint fundraiser
P = Principal campaign committee of a candidate
U = Unauthorized
- cmte_filing_freq
Filing frequency: A = Administratively terminated,
D = Debt
M = Monthly filer
Q = Quarterly filer
T = Terminated
W = Waived
- ttl_receipts
Total receipts
- trans_from_aff
Transfers from affiliates
- indv_contrib
Contributions from individuals
- other_pol_cmte_contrib
Contributions from other political committees
- cand_contrib
Contributions from candidate
- cand_loans
Candidate loans
- ttl_loans_received
Total loans received
- ttl_disb
Total disbursements
- tranf_to_aff
Transfers to affiliates
- indv_refunds
Refunds to individuals
- other_pol_cmte_refunds
Refunds to other political committees
- cand_loan_repay
Candidate loan repayments
- loan_repay
Loan repayments
- coh_bop
Cash beginning of period
- coh_cop
Cash close of period
- debts_owed_by
Debts owed by
- nonfed_trans_received
Non-federal transfers received
- contrib_to_other_cmte
Contributions to other committees
- ind_exp
Independent expenditures
- pty_coord_exp
Party coordinated expenditures
- nonfed_share_exp
Non-federal share expenditures
- cvg_end_dt
Coverage end date (YYYY-MM-DD)
Source, updated 2020-03-02