expenditures {fec16} | R Documentation |
Operating Expenditures
Operating expenditure information for a simple random sample of 1000 entries out of 1744187
A data frame with 1000 rows and 20 columns:
- cmte_id
A 9-character alpha-numeric code assigned to a committee by the Federal Election Commission
- amndt_ind
Amendment indicator: Indicates if the report being filed is new (N), an amendment (A) to a previous report or a termination (T) report
- rpt_yr
Report year
- rpt_tp
Indicates the type of report filed, listed here: https://www.fec.gov/campaign-finance-data/report-type-code-descriptions/
- line_num
Indicates FEC form line number
- form_tp_cd
Indicates FEC form type
- sched_tp_cd
Schedule type: Schedule B - Itemized disbursements
- name
Contributor/lender/Transfer Name
- city
- state
- zip_code
ZIP Code
- transaction_dt
Transaction date (YYYY-MM-DD)
- transaction_amt
Transaction Amount
- transaction_pgi
Primary general indicator
- purpose
- category
Disbursement category code: 001-012 and 101-107
- category_desc
Disbursement Category Code Description, listed here: https://www.fec.gov/campaign-finance-data/disbursement-category-code-descriptions/
- entity_tp
Entity Type:
CAN = Candidate
CCM = Candidate Committee
COM = Committee
IND = Individual (a person)
ORG = Organization (not a committee and not a person)
PAC = Political Action Committee
PTY = Party Organization
- tran_id
Only for Electronic Filings. A unique identifier associated with each itemization or transaction appearing in an FEC electronic file. A transaction ID is unique for a specific committee for a specific report.
- back_ref_tran_id
Back reference transaction ID: Used to associate one transaction with another transaction in the same report (using file number, transaction ID and back reference transaction ID). For example, a credit card payment and the sub-itemization of specific purchases. The back reference transaction ID of the specific purchases will equal the transaction ID of the payment to the credit card company.
https://www.fec.gov/campaign-finance-data/operating-expenditures-file-description/, updated 2020-03-02