campaigns {fec16} | R Documentation |
House/Senate Current Campaigns
Summary financial information for each campaign.
A data frame with 1898 rows and 25 columns, providing financial information for each House/Senate campaign:
- cand_id
A code assigned to a candidate by the FEC
- cand_name
Candidate name
- cand_ici
Incumbent challenger status with designation: C = Challenger, I = Incumbent, O = Open Seat
- pty_cd
Party code
- cand_pty_affiliation
The political party affiliation reported by the candidate
- ttl_receipts
Total receipts
- trans_from_auth
Transfers from authorized committees
- ttl_disb
Total disbursements
- trans_to_auth
Transfers to authorized committees
- coh_bop
Beginning cash
- coh_cop
Ending cash
- cand_contrib
Contributions from candidate
- cand_loans
Loans from candidate
- other_loans
Other loans
- cand_loan_repay
Candidate loan repayments
- other_loan_repay
Other loan repayments
- debts_owed_by
Debts owed by
- ttl_indiv_contrib
Total individual contribution
- cand_office_st
Candidate's state
- cand_office_district
Candidate's district
- other_pol_cmte_contrib
Contributions from other political committees
- pol_pty_contrib
Contributions from party committees
- cvg_end_dt
Coverage end date (YYYY-MM-DD)
- indiv_refunds
Refunds to individuals
- cmte_refunds
Refunds to committees
Source, updated 2020-03-02