Physics-Informed Spatial and Functional Data Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘fdaPDE’ version 1.1-17

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covs.test Covariate test function for the horseshoe domain
create.FEM.basis Create a FEM basis
create.mesh.1.5D Create a 1.5D linear network mesh
create.mesh.2.5D Create a 'mesh.2.5D' object from the nodes locations and the connectivity matrix
create.MESH.2D Deprecated Functions
create.mesh.2D Create a 2D triangular mesh
create.mesh.3D Create a 'mesh.3D' object from the connectivity matrix and nodes locations
DE.FEM Nonparametric density estimation with differential regularization
DE.FEM.time Nonparametric spatio-temporal density estimation with differential regularization
DE.heat.FEM Density initialization
DE.heat.FEM.time Spatio-temporal density initialization
eval.FEM Evaluate a FEM object at a set of point locations
eval.FEM.time Evaluate a FEM.time object at a set of point locations
fdaPDE-deprecated Deprecated Functions
FEM Define a surface or spatial field by a Finite Element basis expansion
FEM.time Define a spatio-temporal field by a Finite Element basis expansion
FPCA.FEM Smooth Functional Principal Component Analysis
fs.test FELSPLINE test function
fs.test.3D FELSPLINE 3D test function
horseshoe2.5D Horseshoe2.5D domain
horseshoe2D Horseshoe domain
hub2.5D Hub domain
image.FEM Image Plot of a 2D FEM object
image.FEM.time Image plot of a 2D FEM.time object at a given time
inferenceDataObject Class for inference data
inferenceDataObject-class Class for inference data
inferenceDataObjectBuilder Constructor for inferenceDataObject class
inferenceDataObjectTime Class for inference data in ST case
inferenceDataObjectTime-class Class for inference data in ST case
inferenceDataObjectTimeBuilder Constructor for inferenceDataObjectTime class
plot.FEM Plot a 'FEM' object
plot.FEM.time Plot a 'FEM.time' object at a given time
plot.mesh.1.5D Plot a mesh.1.5D object
plot.mesh.2.5D Plot a mesh.2.5D object
plot.mesh.2D Plot a mesh.2D object
plot.mesh.3D Plot a mesh.3D object
plot.MESH2D Deprecated Functions
projection.points.1.5D Project 2D points onto 1.5D linear network mesh
projection.points.2.5D Project 3D points onto 2D 2.5D triangular mesh
quasicircle2D Quasicircle2D domain
quasicircle2Dareal Quasicircle2Dareal domain Create a 'mesh.1.5D' object by splitting each edge of a given mesh into two subedges. Create a 'mesh.2.5D' object by splitting each triangle of a given mesh into four subtriangles. Create a 'mesh.2D' object by splitting each triangle of a given mesh into four subtriangles. Create a 'mesh.3D' object by splitting each tetrahedron of a given mesh into eight subtetrahedrons.
refine.mesh.1.5D Refine 1.5D mesh
refine.MESH.2D Deprecated Functions
refine.mesh.2D Refine a 2D triangular mesh
R_eval.FEM Deprecated Functions
R_eval.FEM.basis Deprecated Functions
R_mass Deprecated Functions
R_smooth.FEM.basis Deprecated Functions
R_stiff Deprecated Functions
smooth.FEM Spatial regression with differential regularization
smooth.FEM.basis Deprecated Functions
smooth.FEM.PDE.basis Deprecated Functions Deprecated Functions
smooth.FEM.time Space-time regression with differential regularization
sphere3Ddata Sphere3Ddata