fastverse_extend {fastverse}R Documentation

Extend the fastverse


Loads additional packages as part of the fastverse. By default only for the session, but extensions can be saved up to reinstallation/updating of the fastverse package.


  install = FALSE,
  permanent = FALSE,
  check.conflicts = !isTRUE(getOption("fastverse.quiet")),
  topics = NULL,
  repos = getOption("repos")



comma-separated package names, quoted or unquoted, or vectors of package names.


logical. Install packages not available?


logical. Should packages be saved and included when library(fastverse) is called next time? Implemented via a config file saved to the package directory. The file will be removed if the fastverse is reinstalled, and can be removed without reinstallation using fastverse_reset. Packages can be removed from the config file using fastverse_detach(..., permanent = TRUE).


logical. Should conflicts between extension packages and attached packages be checked?


depreciated argument used to bulk-attach or install suggested extension packages prior to v0.3.0.


character vector. Base URL(s) of the repositories to use, e.g., the URL of a CRAN mirror such as "". The macro .fastverse_repos contains the URL of the fastverse r-universe server to check/install the development version of packages.


The fastverse can be extended using a free choice of packages. An overview of high-performing packages for various tasks is provided in the README file.

When the fastverse is extended calling fastverse_extend(...), the packages that are not attached are attached, but conflicts are checked for all specified packages. If permanent = FALSE, an options("fastverse.extend") is set which stores these extension packages, regardless of whether they were already attached or not. When calling fastverse_packages, fastverse_deps, fastverse_conflicts, fastverse_update, fastverse_sitrep or fastverse_detach, these packages are included as part of the fastverse. This is also the case if permanent = TRUE, with the only difference that instead of populating the option, a file is saved to the package directory such that the packages are also loaded (as part of the core fastverse) when calling library(fastverse) in the next session. To extend the fastverse for the current session when it is not yet loaded, users can also set options(fastverse.extend = c(...)), where c(...) is a character vector of package names, before calling library(fastverse).


fastverse_extend returns NULL invisibly.

See Also

fastverse_detach, fastverse


# fastverse_extend(xts, stringi, fasttime)

[Package fastverse version 0.3.3 Index]