shadePhat {fastGraph}R Documentation

Displays Cumulative Probability of a Sample Proportion


This function plots the probability density function of a sample proportion, shades the lines denoting probability, and computes the cumulative probability.


shadePhat(xshade = NULL, size = 1, prob = 0.5, lower.tail = TRUE, xmin = NULL, 
          xmax = NULL, xlab = expression(hat(p)), xtic = TRUE, digits.prob = 4, 
          digits.xtic = 3, main = NULL, col = c("black", "red"), lwd = 2, ...)



A single number or vector of two numbers, denoting values on the x-axis where shading under the curve begins and ends. However, if NULL, no shading occurs.


Number of Bernoulli trials (one or more).


Probability of Bernoulli success.


Logical; if TRUE (default), the lowest region is shaded; otherwise, the next lowest region is shaded.


The label given to the sample proportion on the x-axis.


The minimum x-value to be graphed.


The maximum x-value to be graphed.


Logical or a vector of numbers. If xtic is TRUE (default), then the numbers on the x-axis include the median and xshade. If xtic is TRUE, then the default numbers from plot are listed on the x-axis. If xtic is a vector of numbers, then these numbers are listed on the x-axis.


The number of significant digits listed in the probability.


The number of significant digits listed on the x-axis.


The main title given for the graph.


A vector of size two, specifying the colors of the density curve and the shading, respectively.


The line width illustrating the discrete probabilities.


Optional arguments to be passed to the plot function (see par).


When illustrating a left-sided p-value or any other left-sided probability, xshade should be a single number and set lower.tail=TRUE (default). When illustrating a right-sided p-value or any other right-sided probability, xshade should be a single number and set lower.tail=FALSE. When illustrating a two-sided p-value or any other two-sided probability, xshade should be a vector of two numbers and set lower.tail=TRUE (default). When illustrating the complement of a two-sided p-value or the complement of any other two-sided probability, xshade should be a vector of two numbers and set lower.tail=FALSE.

This function shadePhat can be executed directly or indirectly via shadeDist.


This function shadePhat calls functions plot and curve.


Steven T. Garren, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA

See Also

shadeDist and plotDist.


par( mfrow=c(3,2) )

shadePhat( 0.3, 20, 0.4 )

shadePhat( 0.3, 20, 0.4, lower.tail=FALSE )

shadePhat( c(0.65, 0.75), 30, 0.7, lower.tail=FALSE, xmin=0.4, xmax=1 )

shadePhat( c(0.65, 0.75), 30, 0.7, xmin=0.4, xmax=1, col=c("purple","orange") )

shadePhat( c(0.3, 0.4), 50, 0.35, xmin=0.1, xmax=0.6, col=c("blue","lightgreen") )

shadePhat( NULL, 10, 0.6, main = "Sample proportion" )

par( mfrow=c(1,1) )

[Package fastGraph version 2.1 Index]