cmsw_2018 {farr} | R Documentation |
Data for CMSW
Data on whistleblowers and enforcement actions from Call et al. (2018)
A tibble with 1,133 rows and 31 variables:
- recid
CMSW record identifier
- firmpenalty
The total firm civil and criminal monetary penalties assessed against the firm, its parent and subsidiaries consisting of disgorgement, prejudgment interest, civil fines, criminal restitution, and criminal fines in millions of dollars
- otherpenalty
The total firm civil and criminal monetary penalties assessed against the agent firms and/or respondents (e.g., the audit firm, bankers, suppliers) in connection with the financial misrepresentation of the target firm, in millions of dollars
- emppenalty
The total civil and criminal penalties assessed against all employees consisting of disgorgement, prejudgment interest, civil fines, criminal restitution, and criminal fines in millions of dollars
- empprisonmos
Total incarceration consisting of jail, prison, home detention, and halfway house in months imposed upon employee respondents named in the enforcement action
- selfdealflag
An indicator variable equal to one if the violation includes self-dealing such as embezzlement and theft by respondents and equal to zero otherwise
- blckownpct
The percentage of blockholder ownership, defined as owners with at least five percent of common shares outstanding from the last 10-K or DEF 14A prior to the first public announcement the firm may be (is) subject to a regulatory enforcement action
- initabret
The value-weighted market-adjusted return measured at the close of trading on the initial public announcement date that the firm may be (is) subject to a regulatory enforcement action
- wbflag
An indicator variable equal to one if a whistleblower is associated with the enforcement action and equal to zero otherwise
- tousesox
Post-SOX action flag
- lnvioperiod
The natural logarithm of the total time the violation occurred in months as indicated in the regulatory enforcement proceedings
- bribeflag
An indicator variable equal to one if the enforcement actions includes charges under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act for bribery of a foreign official and zero otherwise
- mobflag
An indicator variable equal to one if violation or any of the respondents were associated with a known organized crime family and zero otherwise
- deter
An indicator variable equal to one if the violation includes an offense for either option backdating, insider trading, or an offense related to an offering, IPO, merger, or reverse merger and equal to zero otherwise
- lnempcleveln
The natural logarithm of the total number of C-level respondents (e.g. CEO, COO, CFO, CAO, CMO, and CIO) named in the enforcement action
- lnuscodecnt
The natural logarithm of the total number of unique code sections and rules violated (charges) associated with the enforcement action
- viofraudflag
n indicator variable equal to one if fraud under 15 USC ยงยง 77q, 78j(b), or rules promulgated thereunder are included among the charges in the enforcement action
- misledflag
An indicator variable equal to one if the violation included violations of 17 CFR 240.13b2-2 that prohibits materially false or misleading statement to an accountant in connection with the preparation of financial statements and zero otherwise
- audit8flag
An indicator variable equal to one if the misreporting firm used a Big N auditor, and equal to zero otherwise
- exectermflag
An indicator variable equal to one if the firm terminated an executive respondent as a result of the violations and equal to zero otherwise
- coopflag
An indicator variable equal to one if the firm received credit in the assessment of penalties for cooperation as stated in regulatory enforcement documents during the course of the investigation and equal to zero otherwise
- impedeflag
An indicator variable equal to one if regulators acknowledged they were deliberately misled and/or charges were included for lying to investigators and equal to zero otherwise
- pctinddir
The percentage of the firm's directors that are independent from the last 10-K or DEF 14A prior to the first public announcement the firm may be (is) subject to a regulatory enforcement action
- recidivist
An indicator variable equal to one if the firm was previously the subject of a securities regulatory enforcement action and equal to zero otherwise
- lnmktcap
The natural logarithm of the market value of equity measured in millions of dollars prior to the first public announcement that the firm may be (is) subject to a regulatory enforcement action
- mkt2bk
The sum of market value of equity plus total assets minus total debt divided by total assets with market value determined below and total assets and total debt measured at the last fiscal year end prior to the first public announcement the firm may be (is) subject to a regulatory enforcement action
- lev
Total debt divided by total assets measured at the last fiscal year end prior to the first public announcement the firm may be (is) subject to a regulatory enforcement action
- lndistance
The natural logarithm of the distance in miles from the location of the firm's headquarters to the offices of the regulator assigned to the geographic area of the firm's headquarter location (closer of the SEC Regional Office or DOJ U.S. District Attorney).
- ff12
Fama-French industry code (12-industry)
- wbsource
Whistleblower data source
- wbtype
Whistleblower type: tipster or nontipster